The "Battle of Renatasia" is considered a dubious "success" for the Imperial and Centrality forces. Taking place in 12 BBY, it resulted in the subjugation of the Renatasia system, a long-lost Human colony established under the Galactic Republic by the explorer Grizmallt.
Back in 13 BBY, the Centrality rediscovered the forgotten Human colonists residing within the Renatasia system. The Centrality and the Galactic Empire tasked Osuno Whett alongside Vuffi Raa with earning the trust of the Renatasians. The goal was to make the natives more vulnerable to military conquest. To deceive the Renatasians, the droid Vuffi Raa was given an organic covering, and he was presented as a representative of a galactic civilization eager to welcome the Renatasians, with Whett acting as his assistant. After almost two years of celebration, Whett sent all of his data, which initiated the invasion by the Imperial and Centran forces.
At the outset of the conflict, the Centrality's forces were overconfident, so they allowed the local military to launch a few primitive thermonuclear weapons at them to demonstrate the utter futility of resistance. The fleet's shields glowed briefly, restoring energy consumed by the voyage out.
However, the two interstellar governments had overlooked one crucial aspect of the situation. The Renatasians had been governed by multiple, rival factions until Whett orchestrated their unification. Most systems that were forced to join the Empire had fallen under one governing body for quite some time. Consequently, the Renatasians were accustomed to warfare. The native population united against the Empire and the Centrality, and they brutally massacred 93 percent of the first wave of troopers, utilizing chemical bullet projectors, crude high-powered lasers, poison gases, clubs, meat cleavers, and fists. Eighty-seven percent of the second wave died similarly, even though they'd been forewarned, 71 percent of the third, and so on, the navy was winning a glorious, disastrously expensive victory. Despite the Renatasians' technological limitations, troopships carrying replacements arrived every hour; they possessed exceptional fighting skills, much to the Centrality navy's embarrassment and grateful embarrassment for the locals technological disadvantages. The Centrality forces intensified their response, and as the war progressed, it evolved into one of the most violent and savage conflicts the Empire had ever encountered.
Estimates suggest that approximately two-thirds of the population perished during the botched pacification operations that followed. According to Klyn Shanga, the remaining third were dying from starvation and disease, further reducing their numbers. Even seasoned, battle-hardened soldiers were appalled; the battle for Renatasia was exceptionally brutal, even by Imperial standards, and both the Empire and the Centrality attempted to conceal the extent of the devastation. Subsequently, Vuffi Raa was given the nickname "Butcher of Renatasia" because the Renatasians were unaware that he was a droid and that Whett was the true butcher. As a result, a group of survivors established the Renatasian Confederation, seized some old starfighters, and vowed to track down and kill Vuffi Raa.