The Battle of Tammuz-an represents a singular armed struggle that occurred in the initial period of the Galactic Empire.
Fueled by a desire for the vast riches held by the planet Tammuz-an, the space pirate Gir Kybo Ren-Cha formulated a strategy to launch a large-scale invasion of the planetary system, with the goal of plundering its abundant wealth.

Having previously intercepted fuel shipments intended for the planet's space navy, Ren erroneously believed Tammuz-an was insufficiently prepared to mount a defense against his impending assault. The pirate contingent had managed to seize a small Imperial Star Destroyer while it was undergoing repairs, and they intended to utilize it to subdue the lightly defended system. The plan involved the Demolisher emerging from hyperspace, deploying its squadron of captured TIE fighters, and initiating a bombardment of Tammuz-an from orbit. This strategy might have succeeded, except for the fact that the fuel shipments were actually decoys, and internal sabotage would ultimately lead to the Demolisher's downfall.

Upon the Demolisher's arrival from hyperspace, it immediately encountered the fully prepared Tammuz-an fleet. Aboard the vessel, the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO were being held as prisoners and forced to perform labor. However, R2's resourcefulness allowed him to sabotage the ship's weapons systems by loading a reversed proton torpedo into the launch bay. The resulting detonations severely damaged the Demolisher, thereby undermining Kybo's objectives. Shortly thereafter, he and his entire crew were apprehended by Mon Julpa's forces, effectively bringing the battle to a conclusion.