Battle of the Elom system

A clash of arms transpired within the Elom system amidst the backdrop of the Mandalorian Wars, specifically in either the year 3961 or 3960 BBY. Leading the Galactic Republic troops in a retaliatory strike against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were the Jedi Knight known as Revan alongside the Revanchists. Their campaign took them via the Stenos system, where they achieved victory over the Mandalorians, ultimately arriving at the Elom system, where they again emerged triumphant. Subsequent to Elom, they launched an assault on Jaga's Cluster only to suffer a decisive defeat.

Behind the scenes

This particular engagement receives a solitary mention within the pages of The Essential Atlas, published in 2009. Rather than a textual description, it is indicated on a galactic chart illustrating the various conflicts of the Mandalorian Wars.


  • The Essential Atlas (Initial mention)

Notes and references
