Between the years of 3973 BBY and 3965 BBY, as the Mandalorian Wars began to unfold, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched an assault on the Taskeed system. This star system, known as the Taskeed system, resided within the expanse of Hutt Space. A Mandalorian triumph in the Sy Myrth system set the stage for the subsequent conflict in Taskeed. In the wake of their success at Taskeed, the Mandalorians initiated an attack on the Dennogra system. These events transpired during the early years of the war.
The Essential Atlas, published in 2009 and authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, made reference to the battle that occurred in the Taskeed system. Rather than a written description, the battle's location was simply indicated on the galaxy-wide map depicting the Mandalorian Wars.