The Battle of Vinsoth transpired during the Ciutric Offensive, a component of the Galactic Empire's Reconquest of the Rim in 19 BBY. After the Clone Wars concluded, the Imperial Military commenced operations to eliminate remaining vestigial forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems from the era of the Clone Wars. This campaign brought the Empire to Vinsoth within the Ciutric sector, where Admiral Terrinald Screed and Crimson Dagger Command achieved an Imperial victory. Subsequently, they pursued other adversaries of the Empire to Binquaros.

In the year following the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the conclusion of the Clone Wars, and the initiation of the Great Jedi Purge, the Empire and its military addressed problematic regions in the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories due to remaining Confederacy of Independent Systems forces. These areas were organized into oversectors, and the Empire targeted these Separatist holdouts, along with various pirate, slaver, and criminal organizations.
During 19 BBY, the Empire launched engagements on three separate fronts across the Rim, with one encompassing the Ciutric sector. Before the end of the Clone Wars and the Empire's campaign in the Rim, the Ciutric sector served as a gathering point for Separatist forces retreating from Muunilinst and Mygeeto after the Outer Rim Sieges. Consequently, the Separatists traversed the Void of Chopani, forming alliances with pirates and Thalassian slavers and receiving funding from shadowy interests on Celanon and Serenno.
However, the task of eliminating these Separatist holdouts was assigned to Crimson Dagger Command, which had deployed from Axxila. While General Hurst Romodi led the ground assaults, Admiral Terrinald Screed's fleet also engaged the remaining forces, eventually leading them to Vinsoth.
The Battle of Vinsoth was referenced within The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference work from 2012 written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.