The Conqueror-class atmospheric dreadnought represented a massive, circular aerial attack platform, relying on repulsorlift technology. It was deployed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. These dreadnaughts, heavily armed with numerous laser cannons and manned by a large contingent of battle droids, saw action when the Confederacy invaded the planet of Terra Sool.
At least thirty-six dreadnaughts engaged the local militia and a Galactic Republic detachment dispatched to support Terra Sool within the world's cloudy atmosphere. Despite the Conqueror-class dreadnaughts' ability to easily eliminate many of Terra Sool's militia fighters, they proved insufficient against the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who commanded the Republic forces. Utilizing their powers derived from the Force and their exceptional starfighter combat skills, Kenobi and Skywalker successfully hijacked and destroyed multiple Conqueror-class dreadnaughts during the conflict, ultimately securing a Confederate defeat and liberating Terra Sool.

The atmospheric Conqueror-class dreadnaught was a very expensive and sizable repulsorlift aerial attack platform. It was a component of the Confederacy of Independent Systems' droid army during the Clone Wars in their conflict with the Galactic Republic. These virtually impenetrable battleships possessed a generally cylindrical form, featuring a flat top that functioned as a landing zone and a troop transport area. The internal design of Conqueror dreadnaughts incorporated a network of halls and rooms, including a cockpit situated along the vessel's perimeter. This cockpit housed an extensive control panel used to manage the entire aerial platform.
The Conqueror platforms boasted significant firepower, with multiple laser cannon batteries—including five single-barrel cannons positioned on the dreadnaughts' upper surface, along with numerous dual-barrel laser batteries that lined the dreadnaughts' elevated ringed perimeter. Throughout their service within the Confederacy's army, the dreadnaughts typically carried a complement of no less than twenty-four B1-Series battle droids and B2 super battle droids, and were piloted by a duo of OOM pilot battle droids; however, a single Human could also pilot these platforms.
In 22 BBY—occurring five months following the Battle of Geonosis and the Clone Wars' commencement—the Confederacy initiated an invasion of the planet Terra Sool. The Confederacy deployed a fleet consisting of at least thirty-six Conqueror-class atmospheric dreadnaughts with the objective of suppressing the planet's resistance and devastating Terra Sool's surface. Upon entering Terra Sool's cloudy atmosphere—accompanied by a contingent of Confederate Vulture droid starfighters—the Conqueror dreadnaught fleet encountered resistance from starfighters belonging to Terra Sool's local militia and a Grand Army of the Republic detachment dispatched to assist in the planet's defense.
While the Conqueror platforms efficiently eliminated numerous militia starfighters, they were ultimately outmaneuvered by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, who commanded the Republic task force from aboard their Delta-7 starfighters. During the battle, the Jedi initially encountered a lone Conqueror-class dreadnaught while engaging Vulture starfighters above Terra Sool. Kenobi, deciding to seize the Confederate vessel, landed his starfighter on the dreadnaught's upper deck, repelling the battle droids of the B1 and B2 series stationed there. Progressing through the Conqueror platform's interior, Kenobi successfully fought his way to the cockpit and assumed control of the dreadnaught.

Meanwhile, Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, alerted the Padawan—who was still battling droid starfighters—to the presence of increased droid communications originating from deeper within the atmosphere. Tracking the Confederate communications to their source, Skywalker discovered the remainder of the Conqueror dreadnaught fleet engaged in combat with the Terra Sool militia above a small farming town. Skywalker joined the fray, but his fighter sustained damage during the encounter, forcing him to execute a crash landing on a dreadnaught's upper surface. Stranded aboard the enemy vessel, Skywalker engaged the battle droids present, while Kenobi piloted his captured Conqueror dreadnaught toward the primary Confederate fleet. Utilizing the weapons systems of his hijacked vessel, Kenobi destroyed another dreadnaught that was targeting the one Skywalker was aboard, while the Padawan eliminated the remaining battle droids from that aerial platform.
Kenobi proceeded to engage the remaining Confederate dreadnaughts and contacted Skywalker, informing his apprentice that the Confederate fleet had launched two volleys of missiles intended to devastate Terra Sool's surface. Observing the incoming missiles, Skywalker employed his mastery of the Force and his lightsaber skills to neutralize the missiles, including grabbing a different Conqueror dreadnaught with the Force and positioning it in the path of a missile barrage, resulting in the simultaneous destruction of both the Conqueror dreadnaught and the missiles. Skywalker and Kenobi persisted in their fight against the Confederacy, ultimately defeating the fleet of Conqueror-class dreadnaughts by the end of the Terra Sool day, thereby liberating the planet from the invasion.
The Conqueror-class atmospheric dreadnaughts made their initial appearance as unnamed Separatist war machines in Skywalkers, a forty-page comic featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 2, published by Dark Horse Comics and released on September 7, 2004. The Conqueror dreadnaught subsequently received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia—released on December 9, 2008—which identified the vessel's class designation.