
The Belle functioned as a starship used for smuggling operations.


On one occasion, the Belle made port at the spaceport located on Ord Zat, where it unfortunately became plagued by an infestation of rat roaches. Following a pair of hyperspace jumps, the vessel's performance began to degrade in a peculiar manner. One of the two individuals operating the ship started dismantling the Belle's bulkheads, eventually discovering the location of the rat roaches' nest. However, the moment the nest was exposed to light, the creatures burrowed into the ship's wiring. It required seven hours for the crew member and their colleague to remove the pests using tongs and subsequently crush them with a hydrospanner. The damage caused by the creatures consuming the circuitry was enough to have potentially caused the Belle's destruction during its subsequent hyperspace jump. Approximately six seasons afterward, the smuggler responsible for discovering the nest was apprehended by Governor Wilek Nereus. During interrogation, the governor was on the verge of ordering the man's execution when the smuggler introduced the subject of rat roaches. Nereus, who possessed a strong interest in predators and parasites, found the story captivating enough to delay the execution order until the smuggler had completed recounting the tale.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
