Bissillirus system

The Bissillirus system, a star system, existed in the Trax sector of the Mid Rim region of the galaxy. At its heart was the star called Bissillirus.


Around 200 BBY, Galactic Republic scouts stumbled upon and documented the Bissillirus system. These scouts were attempting to chart a hyperlane that would pass through the outer reaches of the Thornhedge Nebula. While the discovery was accidental, the scouts quickly understood the system's significant trading possibilities. When the hyperdrive on their starship failed, the expedition's leader, Arnoth Draenell, was happy to find that his scout ship had brought them to a planetary system. A survey revealed five planets, including one habitable world that was later named Draenell's Point. While the ship's crew repaired the hyperdrive, Draenell charted and named each of the worlds. His log indicated that the system could serve as an ideal resupply location for travelers using the Terr'skiar Pass hyperlane. Despite this potential, the system was then abandoned and overlooked for fifty years.

