The Terr'skiar Pass represented a hyperspace route that provided a link between the Terr'skiar system and the Deysum system. These systems served as the capitals for both the Terr'skiar and Trax sector respectively, with the Bissillirus system lying along the way. This pathway was first charted circa 200 BBY, when Arnoth Draenell, a scout working for the Galactic Republic, stumbled upon the Bissillirus system while trying to discover a fresh path along the southern border of the Thornhedge Nebula. After a hyperdrive failure stranded Draenell and his team in the system, they documented it and recognized its potential as a valuable refueling point for starships utilizing the newly established Terr'skiar Pass. Approximately 150 BBY, colonists established a settlement on one of the Bissillirus system's planets, named Draenell's Point, with the expectation that the Terr'skiar Pass would evolve into a significant commercial artery. Although their expectations were never realized, farmers located on the planet realized Draenell's Point was ideally suited for agricultural endeavors.