Boelo was a male Human who operated within Jabba the Hutt's criminal organization as a member of the crime syndicate. This organization was based on the planet Tatooine. Prior to the Battle of Yavin by several years, he held the position of Jabba's chief advisor for a period, but was eventually superseded by Naroon Cuthus. In the year 0 BBY, Boelo made an appearance at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, and shortly thereafter went with Jabba to Docking Bay 94 in the Mos Eisley spaceport of Tatooine, where the Hutt engaged in a conversation with smuggler Han Solo regarding a debt owed to Jabba.

During the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the male Human known as Boelo lived. He became a member of Jabba the Hutt's criminal syndicate, a crime syndicate based on the planet Tatooine. He ascended to the role of the Hutt's primary assistant, a position he later relinquished to Naroon Cuthus. He also had a pet womp rat by the name of Worra.
In the year 0 BBY, Boelo was present inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, a bar situated in the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine. It was there that a farmboy called Luke Skywalker and a Jedi Master named Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived, seeking a pilot who could transport them, along with the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, to the planet Alderaan. This led to their meeting with smuggler Han Solo. Later, Boelo accompanied Jabba on a trip to Docking Bay 94 located within the spaceport. As Jabba intended to collect a debt from Solo, Boelo stood near the entry ramp of Solo's YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Following Solo's arrival and agreement with Jabba, the Hutt and his group, including Boelo, departed from the location.
Boelo was equipped with a blaster pistol, and he wore an ammunition bandolier that crossed over his trench coat.
Boelo's initial appearance was as an uncredited background character in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. He was an extra in the Mos Eisley cantina scene. He also featured in a scene that was later cut from the film, where he was among Jabba's associates confronting Han Solo in the spaceport. This scene was later incorporated into the film's Special Edition, which was released in 1997. In 1998, Boelo's name and a brief backstory were first introduced on a card for the Special Edition Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.