A Force-attuned individual possessed a stronger connection to the Force compared to most, yet lacked the depth of connection to be classified as Force-sensitive. While on the Woebegone, Darth Plagueis determined that both Captain Ellin Lah and her First Mate Maa Kaap exhibited a stronger-than-average link to the Force, though not enough to be considered Force-sensitives. Individuals within the Imperial ranks, for instance Lieutenant Commander Ardan, Commander Brandei, Colonel Dyer, and Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, also demonstrated Force-attunement. Other examples include the Anzati bounty hunter Dannik Jerriko, Pons Limbic, Chall Bekan, Rebel Alliance Colonel Feyn Gospic, Grondorn Muse, and Boelo. During her wedding in 43 ABY, Jaina Solo pondered if her father's "Smuggler's luck" was due to a mild Force-sensitivity.