Maa Kaap

Maa Kaap, a male Zabrak, held the position of first mate on the vessel Woebegone during the declining years of the Galactic Republic.


Around 67 BBY, Kaap, along with the other members of the Woebegone's crew, found themselves on Bal'demnic. The Woebegone was transporting cargo belonging to the Hutts. When Blir' noticed a change in the ambient temperature, Captain Ellin Lah suspected a stowaway was aboard. Acting on this suspicion, they activated the video feed and discovered an injured Muun hiding on the ship. Unbeknownst to them, this Muun was actually Darth Plagueis. The crew proceeded to question Plagueis briefly, after which the Sith Lord requested a private conversation with the captain. As the Sith Lord and the captain spoke in private, the crew monitored their discussion via a video link. He requested that the captain transport him to Muunilinst, offering a substantial payment for the journey. Kaap displayed a notable level of distrust towards the Sith Lord. Shortly after, Lah returned to the crew, informing them that Plagueis would wait while they deliberated. The crew discussed their options, ultimately deciding to contact the authorities on Bal'demnic. Lah relayed their decision to Plagueis, who promptly killed her. Plagueis then turned his attention to the remaining crew members. Kaap engaged the Sith Lord in combat, initially using a blaster, and then switching to a Vibroblade once his blaster was depleted. Plagueis proceeded to eliminate Kaap and the rest of the crew before piloting the ship to Muunilinst.

Personality and traits

Kaap demonstrated a protective nature towards Lah and appeared to have a positive relationship with both her and the other crew members.

