Bal'demnic, a rocky tropical island-studded ocean planet within the Bak'rofsen system, resided in the Auril sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Its inhospitable climate and the aggressive nature of the native Kon'me species deterred most visitors, despite the breathtaking scenery of its towering rock cliffs, untouched beaches, and expansive azure seas. The world primarily attracted the attention of cartographers, xenobiologists, and fisherfolk, that is, until the Sith Lords Darth Tenebrous and Darth Plagueis discovered its significant cortosis ore deposits.
Following Plagueis's slaying of his master, Tenebrous, on the planet, and his subsequent acquisition of mining rights to a sizable portion of the main continent, Bal'demnic remained largely absent from broader galactic politics until the Clone Wars. The Confederacy of Independent Systems then launched an invasion to exploit Bal'demnic's cortosis, aiming to strengthen their war efforts. However, the Kon'me ultimately rose up in rebellion against the invaders, just as the Galactic Republic was preparing to liberate them. Consequently, the natives expelled both the Republic and the Confederacy, although the Republic maintained a notable naval presence in the system after the conflict.
Bal'demnic, a world of raw, untamed beauty, was located in the Bak'rofsen system, itself situated within the Auril sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Dominated by ocean, the planet featured a small primary continent, a northern polar ice cap, and numerous small tropical islands with beaches. To the casual observer, it appeared to be a picturesque paradise. Expansive azure oceans shimmered under the sunlight, their waves crashing against the shores of both large and small landmasses. Imposing cliffs and slender rock formations pierced through the misty atmosphere above the turbulent seas. Untainted beaches of both black and white sands lay at the bases of immense canyons.
Nevertheless, the planet's scorching climate served as a powerful deterrent for potential vacationers. Bal'demnic possessed a toxic atmosphere, and frequent seismic events reshaped the landscape. Hawk-bats sought refuge in the crystalline caves often found just beneath the rocky coastal surface. Swarms of bloodthirsty insects filled the skies above the arid, treeless terrain. Strong winds howled through the cliffs, and torrential rains occurred during the planet's lengthy year's wet seasons.
The native Kon'me had deforested much of the planet to obtain building materials and firewood, leaving only inaccessible vegetation clinging to the steep walls of gorges. The planet's main city included Kon'meas Spaceport, which was perched atop high cliffs overlooking the ocean. Beachside dwellings dotted the shorelines, with the wealthy residing in shimmering, bubble-like structures embedded within the high cliffs, while the poor lived in simple thatched huts on the beaches.
Later in the planet's history, rich veins of cortosis ore were unearthed beneath its surface, a discovery that made Bal'demnic a contested territory during the galactic Clone Wars.
In 67 BBY, Subtext Mining secretly informed Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tenebrous about substantial cortosis ore deposits within the planet's crust. Tenebrous personally investigated this information, traveling to Bal'demnic alongside his apprentice, Darth Plagueis. Tenebrous considered this mission to be of particular importance, viewing the mining of cortosis by two Sith Lords at the height of the Rule of Two era as the "closing of a circle," which had begun a millennium prior with Darth Bane's descent into darkness at the Apatros cortosis mines.

Inside a crystalline cave, Tenebrous instructed Subtext's M-2 mining probe droid to confirm the claims of the secret mining survey team. During this process, the M-2 unit stopped obeying the Sith Lord's commands and began drilling toward a highly flammable pocket of lethane gas. Sensing imminent danger, Tenebrous fled the cave with his apprentice. Before they could reach the surface, a massive explosion erupted due to the M-2 unit breaching the lethane pocket, engulfing the Sith Lords. The cavern ceiling collapsed, forcing both Master and Apprentice to use the Force to prevent massive rock slabs from crushing them and their ship.
While Tenebrous was distracted, Plagueis realized that the fear his Master had sensed was actually his own impending death at the hands of his apprentice. Using the Force, Plagueis sent the levitated slabs crashing down on Tenebrous, mortally wounding him and damaging his ship. After a brief exchange, Plagueis ended his Master's life by snapping his neck. Tenebrous's remains would remain undisturbed for decades, possibly even centuries, following his demise.
After a sleepless night, Plagueis traveled hundreds of kilometers on foot to Kon'meas Spaceport using a Force speed technique. There, he boarded the Woebegone as a stowaway, subsequently killing the crew during transit and commandeering the ship to Muunilinst.
Upon returning to Muunilinst, Plagueis tasked Larsh Hill with purchasing extensive land holdings on Bal'demnic and acquiring mining rights for the cortosis-rich mainland.
Despite having killed his master, Plagueis sought retribution against Subtext Mining for Tenebrous's betrayal. Under the Sith Lord's intense interrogation, the Gossam owners of Subtext revealed the existence of unprecedented natural plasma reserves on the planet Naboo. In essence, the Sith duo's mining survey on Bal'demnic led to a far more significant discovery that would shape the galaxy's future: Darth Plagueis's meeting with the young Palpatine.
Over the next two decades, a clandestine mining operation was established on Bal'demnic. Some of the processed ore was used in the production of cortosis shields. Darth Sidious provided one of these shields to the Yinchorri for use against the Jedi during the Yinchorri Uprising of 33 BBY. The shield, made from Bal'demnic's ore, proved highly effective, contributing to the deaths of two Jedi during the raid: Jude Rozess and Tieren Nie-Tan.
During the Outer Rim Sieges, the Confederacy recognized the occupation of Bal'demnic and its cortosis as crucial to their war strategy. As part of their efforts to divert Republic forces away from the Core, the Confederacy invaded the ocean world in the third year of the Clone Wars. The invading force demanded that the native Kon'me either permit cortosis mining operations or face destruction. The upper-class Kon'me, residing in the cliffs, agreed to Confederate occupation and allowed the operations to commence. However, the beachfront Kon'me were outraged and began forming small resistance groups against the invaders.

The Republic intercepted Confederacy transmissions regarding the situation on Bal'demnic. Jedi Master Mace Windu recognized the potential danger of the Confederacy controlling Bal'demnic's cortosis reserves. Consequently, the Jedi Council dispatched a task force led by Jedi Knights Halagad Ventor and Sha Koon to investigate and sabotage the Confederate operation. However, the Republic force found Bal'demnic in a state of chaos. The Kon'me had risen up and overthrown Confederate rule, utilizing advanced weaponry smuggled to them by war profiteers. Armed with mounted weaponry in their bubble-like cliff dwellings, the Kon'me fought against the Confederate droids' combined armor. In response, the Confederacy deployed OG-9 homing spider droids to overwhelm the Kon'me positions. When Ventor and Koon's clone troopers landed, the situation only worsened, with the natives firing upon all offworlders, regardless of their affiliation. Due to the unfamiliar and challenging island terrain, both the Confederate and Republic forces retreated. With the Confederacy unable to continue harvesting the cortosis, the Republic left an orbital fleet above Bal'demnic to deter future incursions from their enemies.
The Golden Emperor of Prekaz mentioned the planet in his commentary on the state of the galactic economy. This quote was later used as an epigraph in Doctor Gabrel Treon's writings on House Praji for the Byblos Journal of Historical Science, titled "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes."

The reptilian Kon'me were the only known sentient species indigenous to Bal'demnic. They were widely known offworld for their abrasive and isolationist tendencies, and their society was structured by class, indicated by their place of residence. For example, the upper-class Kon'me lived in more lavish structures within the beachside cliff walls compared to their lower-class counterparts. The cliff-dwelling Kon'me made decisions for the planet, such as agreeing to Confederate occupation during the Clone Wars, while the lower-class Kon'me were destined to bear the consequences of those decisions. This led to a growing divide between the two classes during the war, as the beach-dwellers formed a resistance against the Confederates whom their upper-class counterparts had welcomed.
Many offworlders visited Bal'demnic for trade, including mostly non-Humans from nearby star systems, Hutt Space, the distant reaches of the Perlemian Trade Route, and even some from the Core Worlds.
Bal'demnic made its debut in "Chapter 22," an episode of Star Wars: Clone Wars. It briefly appeared in a montage of Confederacy of Independent Systems invasions across the galaxy. Later, Arthur Papadam, using the pseudonym "Arf Maul," expanded upon it through's Hyperspace feature, "What's The Story?" Papadam derived the name "Bal'demnic" from the word "condemn," while also making it sound similar to "demonic," suggesting that the planet's inhabitants were not as innocent as they might have seemed. The first syllable, "Bal," came from the nickname of one of Papadam's friends: "B'daniel." In his entry, Papadam also linked the planet to various other elements from the Expanded Universe, including Halagad Ventor from West End Games' Domain of Evil adventure supplement, and Sha Koon from The Stark Hyperspace War, an arc from the Star Wars comic line. Furthermore, Papadam placed Bal'demnic in the Auril sector because he wanted to reference the planet Khuiumin IV, as a tribute to one of his favorite Star Wars games, Star Wars: Rebellion. Papadam's placement was based on the belief (later proven incorrect in The Essential Atlas) that Khuiumin was also located in the Auril sector; however, he removed his reference to Khuiumin from the final entry.
Subsequently, the planet received its own entries in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia and Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 2 in 2008. The planet also received brief attention from sources such as 2009's article Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji by Nathan O'Keefe and The Essential Atlas by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry in the same year. The Atlas confirmed that the Battle of Bal'demnic took place during the third year of the Clone Wars and provided Bal'demnic's coordinates on the galactic map.
Bal'demnic was referenced by Abel G. Peña in his final draft of Underworld Appendix: Swoops, Spice, and Wretched Rogues, but it was ultimately removed from the final release.
James Luceno's 2012 novel Darth Plagueis and the supplementary article The Tenebrous Way by Matthew Stover and Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side by Daniel Wallace greatly expanded upon Papadam's writings. Luceno established Bal'demnic as the location of Darth Tenebrous's death at the hands of his apprentice, Darth Plagueis. Luceno's novel significantly expanded the planet's geography and history, setting in motion the events that would lead to the Battle of Bal'demnic during the Clone Wars.
Later that year, Modi included Bal'demnic in illustrations of the galactic map for the first time in The Essential Guide to Warfare. Here, Bal'demnic is shown in the far top-right corner of grid coordinate R7, very close to Ossus, Belderone, and Trogan.