The Golden Emperor of Prekaz, a figure of legendary status, once likened the vast galactic economy to a complex mathematical "organism." This emperor also drew a parallel between wealth and potential energy, suggesting its capacity for conversion into kinetic energy, sometimes with unforeseen consequences. Doctor Gabrel Treon quoted the Golden Emperor of Prekaz in the article "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes."
This individual, known as the Golden Emperor of Prekaz, shared a name with the Prekaz system situated within the Core Worlds. The emperor once reflected upon the characteristics of the galactic economy, portraying it as a hypercomplex mathematical "organism." This organism involved so many dependent variables that even the most dedicated theoreticians of the Givin species, a society structured around intricate mathematics, would find it confounding to solve. Furthermore, the emperor compared the scope of the unexpected and unforeseen interdependencies inherent in the galaxy's economy to the effect of a pigeon's flutter on the Core World's planet Trantor causing a typhoon on Bal'demnic, an oceanic world located in the Outer Rim Territories. The Golden Emperor of Prekaz also pointed out that, despite this complexity, individuals still tried to manipulate the galactic economy for political gain.
On another occasion, the Golden Emperor of Prekaz likened accumulated wealth to potential energy, noting how it typically remained uncommitted to any specific purpose until the time arrived for its utilization – similar to potential energy transforming into kinetic energy. The emperor also commented that this transformation – both of energy and wealth – could sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. In 104 ABY, Doctor Gabrel Treon cited the Golden Emperor of Prekaz's insights on the galactic economy and wealth in the article "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," which was featured in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.
The Golden Emperor of Prekaz was first mentioned in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji," an article penned by Nathan O'Keefe and published on as part of the Hyperspace feature on February 5, 2009.
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)