Bak'rofsen system

The Bak'rofsen system was a star system situated within the Auril sector, which itself was part of the Outer Rim territories of the galaxy. Due to the presence of the planet Bal'demnic, it was occasionally referred to as the Bal'demnic system.


During the period of the Clone Wars, the system became of interest to both the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic. This was because Commerce Guild scouts had detected cortosis deposits on Bal'demnic. After the Confederacy forces were expelled from the planet, the Republic maintained a small naval presence to deter their return.

Behind the scenes

The Bak'rofsen system's existence was first established in the Databank entry for Bal'demnic, specifically within the What's The Story? section of Hyperspace. While the entry is credited to Arthur Papadam, it was his girlfriend who originated the system's designation. The name is a reference to Pinky Beecroft, the lead singer of the now-disbanded Australian alternative music group Machine Gun Fellatio.


  • "The Making of Bal'demnic: The Island Planet" — We'll Blow Your Planet Up! — Arthur Papadam's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (See "Bal'demnic")
  • The Essential Atlas (as Bal'demnic system)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link) (as Bal'demnic system)
  • Bal'demnic in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
