Grondorn Muse

Grondorn Muse, a Human from Corellia's local defense force, eventually pursued a career as a celebrated folk singer. However, the Galactic Empire placed him on a blacklist because his songs contained political messages. By the time 0 BBY arrived, Muse had become a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During that year, he attended a briefing at the Alliance's main headquarters on Yavin 4 just before the Battle of Yavin. Sometime after that time, Muse went back to the Corellian militia and played with the Fighting 357th Serenaders band. One day, after a training exercise, Muse was heading back to his base in the town of Bela Vistal when he realized he had left his kloo horn behind. He then hired a spacer to help him get it back, and the spacer returned the instrument to Bela Vistal. After that, Muse remembered he had forgotten to give a datadisc containing the anthem "Corellia Ho!" to Pytor Tuko, who led another band called the Battling 166th Troubadours. He then paid the spacer to deliver the disc for him.


Grondorn Muse, a male Human, served in the militia of the planet Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War. At some stage, he married a woman named Duriet. He eventually left the Corellian militia and made a name for himself as a folk singer, achieving fame with his songs "Ballad of Stars' End" and "Those Ole Spacer's Blues," as well as his tradition of ending performances with the Space Pirate Boogie. Despite his popularity, the political nature of his songs led to the Galactic Empire placing him on a blacklist. By 0 BBY, the year he and Duriet had both become members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

The Great Temple, where Grondorn Muse was present before the Battle of Yavin

In that year, 0 BBY, Muse found himself at the Great Temple, which served as the main headquarters for the Alliance on the moon Yavin 4. Before the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin-legends], General Jan Dodonna, the base's commander, held a briefing that Muse attended. During the briefing, Dodonna outlined the Alliance's strategy for attacking the Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station superweapon, an attack made possible by the discovery of a vulnerability in the battle station's thermal exhaust port. The plan involved Alliance starfighters firing proton torpedos into the exhaust port to destroy the station. The battle resulted in a significant Alliance victory when Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker successfully destroyed the battlestation.

After the Battle of Yavin, Muse went back to Corellia. By then, he had rejoined the militia in the city of Bela Vistal, playing the kloo horn for the Fighting 357th Serenaders, a militia band. Around this time, Muse and his bandmates participated in a training exercise in the wilderness. Upon returning to base, Muse realized he had left his kloo horn behind. Vincol Dunker, another member of the band, went to retrieve it but got lost.

Muse joined the Fighting 357th Serenaders band in the city of Bela Vistal (pictured).

Luckily for Muse, he came across a spacer who offered assistance. Muse asked the spacer to find the missing band member and his kloo horn to avoid trouble with his commander. The spacer agreed, successfully locating Dunker and the kloo horn, and returning them safely to Muse in Bela Vistal in exchange for 750 credits.

However, the spacer's services were needed once more. After Dunker's return to Bela Vistal, he gave Muse a datadisc containing a new arrangement of the popular anthem "Corellia Ho!," which Muse had promised to deliver to Pytor Tuko, the leader of the Battling 166th Troubadours. Muse had completely forgotten about the arrangement and couldn't make the delivery himself because he needed to stay in town awaiting new militia orders. He asked the spacer to deliver it for him in exchange for payment. After Muse recited a part of the song, the spacer agreed to do it. The spacer found Tuko, delivered the datadisc, and returned to Muse, receiving 1,000 credits. Muse mentioned that the Battling 166th Troubadours could now hold their rehearsals in the wilderness, and after the task was completed, he told the spacer that the militia situation was now under control.

Personality and traits

Grondorn Muse's musical career was impacted by the Empire's blacklist, which was due to the political messages in his songs. His Corellian militia comrades considered him "forgetful," as he both left his kloo horn behind during a training exercise and forgot to deliver the "Corellia Ho!" disc to Pytor Tuko. When the spacer questioned Muse about forgetting his kloo horn, he defensively replied that it was difficult to manage a group of Serenaders in the middle of nowhere. He also enjoyed making jokes, such as implying that his kloo horn's safety was more important than that of his bandmate, Vincol Dunker. Additionally, he joked about the Battling 166th Troubadours' rehearsals, saying it was better for them to play in the wilderness. Muse also had some level of Force-attunement. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, he had blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. By the time he was with the Fighting 357th Serenaders, Muse had become bald with gray eyebrows, and his skin had a darker tone.

Behind the scenes

Grondorn Muse, as he appeared in Star Wars Galaxies

Grondorn Muse, played by an uncredited Dave Holland, first appeared as a background character in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope from 1977 during the briefing before the Rebel attack on the Death Star. He was given a name, and his backstory was slightly expanded, in the Special Edition Limited set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. The name "Grondorn Muse" is an anagram of Gordon Sumner, the singer better known as Sting.

Muse later appeared as a non-player character in the video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided from 2003, which was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts before it closed on December 15, 2011. Players who completed a series of quests for Muse had to escort Vincol Dunker to Bela Vistal and deliver a datadisc to Pytor Tuko outside of town. In the game, Muse's appearance differed significantly from his depiction in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. In Galaxies, Muse had gray eyes. This article assumes 100% game completion, even though players could choose not to do Muse's quests.

