Vincol Dunker was both a male officer in the militia and a musician. He belonged to the Fighting 357th Serenaders, which was a militia band located on Corellia, specifically in Bela Vistal.
After 0 BBY, the band participated in a training exercise in the wilderness. Following their return to base, Grondorn Muse, a fellow member, realized that Dunker had left his kloo horn behind. Dunker went back to find it, but his poor sense of direction caused him to become lost, requiring him to ask Muse for assistance. Muse then hired a spacer to locate Dunker and bring him safely back to the city.

Within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, Vincol Dunker existed as a non-player character. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game's servers were taken offline on December 15, 2011. Because of how older quests were designed in Star Wars Galaxies, Vincol Dunker's species and physical appearance varied each time a player undertook this quest. As a result, it's impossible to definitively determine Dunker's true canonical species. However, the dialogue provided by Muse during the quest indicated that Vincol Dunker was a male. Furthermore, although the quest dialogue does not explicitly state it, inspecting Dunker within the game consistently identified him as an assassin.