Belief in luck was prevalent across various cultures, where favorable or unfavorable occurrences were attributed to factors beyond an individual's worthiness, impacting beings. Lady Luck, a female personification of this concept, emerged in some instances. Attitudes toward luck varied considerably. Some individuals employed talismans or charms in an attempt to sway luck, while others believed that they could forge their own destiny. Conversely, some people denied the very existence of luck. The Lucksprites of Endor, a species indigenous to the planet, were thought by the Ewoks to possess the power to influence the luck of others.
Across numerous cultures, the idea of luck dictated that positive or negative events befell beings based on elements other than their own merit. This concept was occasionally embodied by a deity, such as Lady Luck. While figures like Armand Isard were convinced they shaped their own fortunes, others, including Jedi Masters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi-Mundi, rejected the notion of luck altogether. The expression "You're out of luck" conveyed that someone would not achieve their desired outcome. Conversely, "Good luck" served as an expression of hope for a person's success.
The Lucksprites, a sentient species, were considered by the Ewoks of Endor to have the ability to manipulate the luck of others, for good or ill. One such Lucksprite attempted to hinder the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick as he underwent trials to become a hunter. Ewoks also held the superstition that encountering a member of the Teek species brought misfortune. Certain items, such as Arkudan gaming cubes, holdred's feet or thesselbeast's feet, were believed by some to attract good luck. In sabacc, The Wheel card symbolized "luck, encompassing both favorable and unfavorable outcomes, beginnings and endings, and the element of chance." Hal Horn, a Corellian, treasured his father's Jedi Credit as a charm to bring good fortune, a tradition that was then carried on by his son, Corran.
Numerous individuals incorporated the term "luck" into the names of their starships and places of business. Gusha, a Lepi publican operating on Tatooine, named his cantina Gusha's Luck, drawing from the Huttese term "gusha," which translates to luck. The gambler Lando Calrissian christened his starship the Lady Luck, paying homage to this personified deity, while the Aqualish Bipopa Bogzider owned a fishing vessel called Nanda's Luck. Further instances include Garris Shrike's Liberator-class troopship Trader's Luck, Mara Jade's Hunter's Luck, and Desric Fol's Blind Luck. Conversely, pilot Uldir Lochett gave his YZ-775 freighter the name No Luck Required.
Jaxxon, a character featured in the Marvel Star Wars comic books, piloted a starship known as the Rabbit's Foot, an object traditionally regarded as a lucky charm in the real world. In-universe, a holdred's foot or thesselbeast's foot fulfilled a similar function.