
Gusha, a Lepi characterized by green fur and red eyes, operated as the owner and bartender of Gusha's Luck, a cantina situated in Mos Eisley, a city within the spaceport of the planet Tatooine. His name, originating from Huttese, is equivalent to "Lucky" in Galactic Basic Standard. In 137 ABY, while Gusha was working, the bounty hunter Cade Skywalker and his pilot companion Jariah Syn took seats at the bar.

Following Syn's departure, Gusha served two Corellian ales to Gunn Yage, an Imperial operative, and Skywalker, and then provided them with two servings of Merenzane Gold. Yage secretly added a tranquilizer to Skywalker's drink, causing him to become briefly unconscious and confused. She then explained to Gusha that Skywalker had consumed excessive alcohol. Before leaving with her incapacitated target, she instructed Gusha to retain the extra money as a tip, suggesting he "buy the missus a little something". Upon Syn's quick return, Gusha informed the co-pilot of the events that unfolded while he was away. The bartender's attire consisted of a soiled white shirt paired with brown shoulder pads and brown pants.

Behind the scenes

Gusha's character was introduced in the thirty-eighth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic-book series. This issue, penned by John Ostrander and visually brought to life by Jan Duursema, was released on July 29, 2009 by Dark Horse Comics. A glossary within the letters section of the issue clarifies that the Huttese term "gusha" translates to "lucky" in Basic, implying that the name of Gusha's cantina could also be interpreted as "Lucky's Luck."

