Teebo's lucksprite

The Ewok Teebo sought the aid of a lucksprite to assist Wicket Wystri Warrick in succeeding at his warrior skills assessment. This lucksprite, without disclosing its negative nature, actively sabotaged Warrick's performance. The resulting despair of the Ewok prompted his companions—Teebo, Latara, and Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka—to confront the sprite and demand it confess its deceit. However, when an arachnid creature emerged, the lucksprite saw an opportunity to amplify the chaos. Teebo ultimately subdued the creature by obscuring its vision with its own hat, allowing Warrick to defeat it. This defeat was a significant blow to the lucksprite, leading to its own state of dejection, as it was the first time it had ever failed.


Teebo presented a lucksprite to help Wicket W. Warrick complete his skills test.

Sometime before 3 ABY, this lucksprite was approached by Teebo, an Ewok, who requested the sprite's abilities be used to benefit Wicket Wystri Warrick, who was attempting to pass the test to become a warrior. The lucksprite went with Teebo to Bright Tree Village, where it assisted Warrick in hitting three arrows directly into the center of a target, even splitting the tree supporting the target.

The lucksprite was simply concealing its true identity; it was actually a bad lucksprite. When Warrick underwent his warrior's test, the lucksprite bombarded him with negative energy. The Ewok's vaulting pole broke, he mistakenly grabbed a spiny creature instead of a doll, and he landed on a log that rolled into the judges' platform, causing it to collapse. Chirpa, the village chief, deemed Warrick suitable only to be an assistant bordok stable cleaner. With Warrick deeply saddened, the lucksprite confessed its true nature to his friends, Teebo, Latara, and Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, and then ran away.

Teebo soon located the lucksprite and compelled it to confess its interference to Warrick, who was sulking in the Cavern of Broken Dreams. As Kneesaa attempted to encourage Warrick, an arachnid creature attacked her, presenting the lucksprite with another chance to create chaos. The sprite caused Kneesaa to drop her lasso, resulting in her falling into the arachnid's web stretched across a deep canyon. The lucksprite evaded an attack from Teebo and Latara. It then noticed Wicket W. Warrick emerging from the cavern and trying to save Kneesaa by picking her up and walking on a tightrope with her on his shoulders. The lucksprite zapped the rope, causing the Ewoks to swing to safety on the canyon side. Before the lucksprite could strike again, Teebo pulled its hat over its head, stopping its mischief. The Ewoks were able to defeat the arachnid.

Witnessing its bad luck magic foiled, the lucksprite wept in despair. This was the first instance of any Ewok warrior thwarting its ability to alter luck. The sprite even considered quitting its job. Wicket W. Warrick offered it a new position – as a bordok stable sweeper.

Powers and abilities

The lucksprite possessed the power to manipulate the fortune of others, for either positive or negative outcomes. It emitted bursts of luck energy from a prehensile tentacle located on its head. The sprite also had the ability to teleport away from danger.

Personality and traits

The lucksprite was a mischievous entity that relished interfering in the lives of others. It concealed its true identity as a bad lucksprite until it had the opportunity to cause harm. The lucksprite enjoyed its work, snuggling up to its targets and taking genuine pleasure in the misfortune it inflicted. However, it also took great pride in its ability to thwart the plans of even the greatest Ewok warriors. When overcome by Wicket W. Warrick, the lucksprite became quite despondent.

Behind the scenes

Michael Dubil penned the first and only Star Wars story to include a lucksprite, the Ewoks episode called "Just My Luck." The cartoon initially aired on November 22, 1986, during the second season of Ewoks. Despite the lucksprite having several lines in the episode, the voice actor responsible for the character remains uncredited.

