Just My Luck

The eighteenth episode of the Ewoks series, titled "Just My Luck," originally aired on November 22, 1986 on the ABC network as part of its second season. Michael Dubil penned the script, while Dale Schott took on the role of director.

Episode Summary

Malani's Artistic Struggles

Malani is in the process of creating a painting of Baga, who is posing with a shrub as a prop. Both Wicket and Teebo offer words of encouragement for her artistic efforts. However, Malani expresses her frustration, pointing out that her subject should be Baga, not the shrub. Baga then sneezes, losing focus and colliding with a nearby tree, causing fruit to fall and paint to spill over Malani's artwork. Overcome with discouragement, Malani declares her belief that she will never succeed as a painter and begins to cry.

The Apprenticeship Paths

Wicket endeavors to uplift his sister's spirits by recounting a past experience when he contemplated abandoning his warrior aspirations during the young Ewoks' skills assessment, overseen by Master Logray, Chief Chirpa, and another adult Ewok. Teebo presents a tibbet plant to the adult Ewoks. Even though Teebo was unsuccessful in transforming the plant into its mature form, Master Logray grants him permission to begin training as a wizard's apprentice. Teebo is overjoyed and declares his intention to become a wizard. Kneesaa expresses her happiness at having passed her leadership test for the tribe, while Malani reveals that she will be training to become a hood maker.

Kneesaa conveys her hope that Wicket will successfully pass his warrior's test the following day. Teebo remarks that Wicket's sole focus is on becoming a warrior. Kneesaa voices her concern that Wicket is displaying nervousness. Simultaneously, Wicket is practicing on an obstacle course that includes pole vaulting, swinging from a lasoo, navigating through a log, and traversing a tightrope. While on the tightrope, he overhears Kneesaa and Latara expressing their doubts about his ability to pass the test, causing a nervous Wicket to fall into the mud.

After Wicket emerges from the mud pit, Kneesaa reiterates her concern about his nervousness. Teebo attempts to ease Wicket's anxiety by presenting him with a lucksprite. With the lucksprite's assistance, Wicket successfully shoots three arrows through a bullseye. Feeling more confident, Wicket believes he will pass the warrior's test. Unbeknownst to him, the tree behind him splits in two.

Reliance on Fortune

The following day at the test, Kneesaa shares with Latara and Teebo that she has never witnessed anyone perform as well as Wicket before. Latara concurs, noting that Wicket is excelling in every event. However, when Wicket attempts pole vaulting a second time, the pole snaps under his weight. Chief Chirpa and the other adult Ewoks watch with concern. Kneesaa inquires about the whereabouts of Teebo's lucksprite, and Teebo realizes that it is missing. Meanwhile, the lucksprite is causing mischief, tricking Wicket into picking up a spiny creature instead of the target teddy bear. In pain, Wicket loses his balance and lands on a log, which then rolls into a wooden structure. Ultimately, Wicket ends up in a bush with a bird's nest on his head.

A disappointed Chief Chirpa informs Wicket that he has failed the warrior's test, acknowledging his initial promise. Wicket expresses his aspirations of becoming a warrior to Chirpa. Chirpa responds that Wicket can retake the test in the future, but his current performance qualifies him to be an assistant bordok stable sweeper. Chirpa directs Wicket to report to Orbo, the bordok stable sweeper, who informs Wicket that his training will commence the following day.

Wicket's Disheartened State

Latara expresses sympathy for Wicket after his unsuccessful test. Teebo questions what went wrong, considering he had luck on his side. The lucksprite appears and boasts to the Ewoks that they won't find a better "bad" lucksprite than himself. The Ewoks narrowly avoid being struck by a bordok pulling a cart filled with fruit. The lucksprite laughs and bids them farewell. Teebo reflects on his mistake of hiring a bad lucksprite, while Kneesaa suggests that Wicket can find solace in knowing that it wasn't his fault.

Latara, Kneesaa, and Teebo convey the news to Wicket, but he remains disheartened. Kneesaa reassures him that her father, Chirpa, has said he can retake the warrior's test. Wicket declares that he has discovered his true calling in life, but a bordok's tail causes him to fall into a trough. Kneesaa reminds him that he has always dreamed of being a warrior. Wicket refuses to listen and returns to his work. Kneesaa states that he must persuade his lucksprite to speak with Wicket and shares her plan with Latara.

To bolster Wicket's confidence, Kneesaa suspends Latara with ropes over a bridge. Wicket soon arrives, and Latara begs him to rescue her. Wicket reluctantly attempts to free her, but she falls into the river. Dejected, Wicket retreats to the "Cavern of Broken Dreams."

The Cavern of Broken Dreams

Later, the three Ewoks manage to capture Teebo's lucksprite and bring him to the Cavern of Broken Dreams. Kneesaa demands that he explain everything to Wicket. Kneesaa calls out to Wicket, but he tells her to leave him alone. Kneesaa questions whether a bit of bad luck will cause him to give up. The group is then attacked by a giant blue spider, which corners Kneesaa at the edge of a cliff. Kneesaa reaches for her lasso, but the rogue lucksprite uses magic to make it fall away.

The spider ensnares Kneesaa in its web. Wicket hears Kneesaa's cries. Teebo and Latara confront the lucksprite, but he teleports away to escape. Before the spider can harm Kneesaa, Wicket uses a lasso to create a tightrope in order to reach her. The spider tries to knock Wicket off balance, but he lands on the web, prompting Kneesaa to jump up with him. Wicket carries Kneesaa to safety, but the lucksprite causes the rope to break. Teebo restrains the lucksprite in a bag. Wicket transforms the tightrope into an improvised lasso, swings over the spider, and lands on a bush. The spider pursues them, but Wicket pushes a rock onto it, causing it to fall through the web into a deep ravine.

Wicket's Victory

Kneesaa expresses her gratitude to Wicket. Wicket expresses his wish to return to his cavern, but Kneesaa tells him that he rescued her like a true warrior. The defeated lucksprite laments that no Ewok has ever overcome his bad luck. Wicket is relieved to hear that he is indeed an Ewok warrior. The lucksprite is disheartened, having never defeated an Ewok warrior. The lucksprite wonders what he will do now that he has been defeated. Giving the lucksprite a taste of his own medicine, Wicket suggests that he can work as Orbo's new assistant bordok sweeper. Wicket reflects on how he allowed a mere lucksprite to defeat him and resolves to pass the warrior's test.

In the present, Wicket tells Malani and his friends that he passed the warrior's test with flying colors the following day. He asks Malani if she understands the moral of the story. Malani says that it's about not giving up on your dreams. Wicket agrees and compliments her painting of Baga. Malani clarifies that the painting was supposed to be of him.

Episode Credits

