The Tragic Flute

"The Tragic Flute" marks the seventeenth installment of the second season of the animated series, Ewoks. Bob Carrau penned the script, while Dale Schott took on the role of director. This episode was originally broadcasted on November 15, 1986 by ABC.

Storyline Summary

Kneesaa attempts to barter her trio of anklets with King Elbo to secure Latara's freedom.

King Elbo's Offerings

The story commences with a green, jellyfish-esque being leaping from a rock onto the shore. While engaged in fishing, Kneesaa immerses her feet in the water and accidentally loses her wooden ankle bracelet into the Endor Sea. She then seeks assistance from her pet bordok, Baga. This incident attracts the attention of King Elbo, a powerful ruler of an obscure, fangly crab species, who resolves to aid her. He presents her with two golden anklets, adorned with jewels; however, Kneesaa refuses them, stating that they do not belong to her. When Elbo retrieves her actual anklet, she accepts it without questioning the origin of the other two, which impresses Elbo. As a token of his appreciation for her unselfishness, he bestows all three anklets upon her.

Latara's Avarice

Kneesaa recounted her experience to her companions Wicket, Latara, and Teebo. Upon hearing Kneesaa's tale, Latara's eyes widen at the prospect of acquiring a golden flute embellished with jewels to replace the wooden one that Teebo and Wicket had crafted for her. Nevertheless, her demands and desires leave Kneesaa and Wicket disgusted, and Teebo deeply hurt. Aware of their friend's excessive materialism, Kneesaa, Wicket, and Teebo discreetly trail behind Latara.

Arriving at the beach, Latara intentionally drops her wooden flute into the water and calls out to Elbo. After some time, Elbo emerges and inquires if something is amiss. Latara informs him that she has lost her favorite flute in the water. Elbo retrieves a golden flute. Latara expresses uncertainty about whether it is hers. Subsequently, Elbo retrieves a flute encrusted with jewels. When Latara asks if there is anything else down there, Elbo retrieves her wooden flute. Latara then asserts that all three flutes belong to her and that she had lost them all. Elbo questions her certainty. When Latara lies, Elbo opens his shell and seizes her, taking her as a prisoner. He vows to inflict punishment on greedy beings.

An Underwater Expedition

Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo reach the beach but are unable to prevent Latara from being dragged down by Elbo into the depths of the lake. Determined to rescue Latara, Teebo summons a helpful fish. Kneesaa explains their predicament to the helpful fish friend, who is familiar with Elbo. He reveals that Elbo assesses creatures for greed and honesty. Those who fail are taken to his coral castle at the bottom of the sea. Teebo expresses concern for Latara, while Kneesaa insists that they must save her. When Wicket inquires about how they will reach Elbo's coral castle, the fish conjures a sea bubble—a robust and thick membrane, large enough to accommodate the three Ewoks and transport them to the underwater fortress.

During their descent to Elbo's coral castle, the bubble is punctured by a rock, but Teebo manages to repair it. Following a bumpy bubble ride, the trio enters the air-filled castle and discovers their friend being held captive by a squid-like entity. Wicket creates a diversion, allowing Latara to escape with Kneesaa and Teebo. After freeing Latara from her tail costume, the four flee through the castle in search of an exit. They eventually find themselves in a wooden crate suspended above a dangerous sea creature.

King Elbo's Trial

As King Elbo approaches, Wicket attempts to reason with him. However, King Elbo retorts that he imprisons those who deceive him. Teebo offers to do anything. Kneesaa once again appeals to Elbo's compassion, offering to trade her three anklets for Latara's release. Consequently, the four reach an agreement: the king will devise a test for Latara. If she succeeds, they will be freed, but if she fails, all four will become Elbo's slaves.

While Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo remain in the crate, King Elbo sends Latara into a cave filled with mystical treasures. Her task is to locate the most valuable item and present it to him. However, if she chooses the wrong item, Elbo intends to feed the trio to the sea monster below. As the crate descends lower and lower, Wicket bluntly informs Teebo that he lacks faith in Latara and suggests that he use their magic to escape. Teebo reaches for his potion jar, but a sudden jolt causes it to fall into the pool, causing the monster to grow larger and lunge at their crate.

Inside the cave, Latara is tempted by jewelry and a crown. However, she discovers the wooden flute and recalls that Wicket and Teebo had given it to her. Recognizing the error of her ways, Latara realizes that her flute is the most valuable item because her friends had given it to her. King Elbo releases Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo from their crate. Teebo embraces Latara, who kisses him in return, leaving him in a daze. King Elbo expresses satisfaction that everyone has learned a valuable lesson. Latara declares that she has realized that her friends are the most precious things in the world.


The four then bid Elbo farewell and return to the surface. Teebo summons his tiny fish friend, who in turn sends a large whale-like creature named Tiny, who conjures a large bubble for the Ewoks. Latara inquires about the fate of the other flutes, but her friends remind her that they have a ride to catch.


A continuity error is present within the episode; While Latara, Teebo, Wicket and Kneesaa were confined within Elbo's basket, a segment of the scene depicts Latara and Teebo with four toes on their feet, which contradicts the remaining frames. According to Star Wars canon, Ewoks possess only three toes on each foot.

Production Credits

