Horville's Hut of Horrors (episode)

title: "Horville's Hut of Horrors"

The sixteenth episode of the second season of the animated series Ewoks is titled "Horville's Hut of Horrors". This episode, which was penned by Paul Dini and had Dale Schott as its director, was initially broadcasted on November 15, 1986 by ABC. It is part of season two.

Storyline Synopsis

Wokling Duty

Wicket Warrick's most anticipated time of year had arrived: the Bright Tree Fête was here, and the warriors' overnight adventure was imminent. Wicket, along with Kneesaa, gathered sunberries for Shodu, an act Wicket hoped would be his last chore before enjoying the festivities. However, Wicket's hopes were dashed when his mother requested that he accompany his sister, Winda Warrick, to the Tumble Bunny performance. To encourage Wicket, Shodu offered him the opportunity to join the warriors on their overnight trip.

So, Wicket reluctantly escorted Winda to the show, where he encountered Teebo and Latara, both of whom were also obligated to bring their younger siblings. Kneesaa also joined them, gladly bringing her younger siblings along. However, Wicket distanced himself from the woklings' show, instead expressing interest in another attraction: Horville's Hut of Horrors. Kneesaa reminded Wicket of his promise to his mother.

Inside the Horror Show

Wicket was extremely eager to experience the horrors, drawn in by Horville's eerie sales pitch. Kneesa reminded him that they would miss the Tumble Bunny show if they went. Horville attempted to lure Wicket and his companions in by presenting Garth, the snake eater, the horrifying Ploob, and Bilbob the "Mystie," who he claimed could see the future. Despite the younger woklings' fear, Latara commented that the Hut of Horrors looked like it could be fun because the attractions seemed fake.

Thus, Wicket held a quick vote to decide which show the Ewoks would attend. Kneesaa and the younger woklings voted for the Tumble Bunnies, while Wicket, Teebo, and Latara voted for the Hut of Horrors. Despite being in the minority, Wicket declared the vote a landslide in their favor. Assuring Kneesaa that the woklings would enjoy themselves, Wicket and the group of seven Ewoks entered the hut.

Afterward, Horville let the Ewoks into the Hut of Horror. Teebo detected spooky music and noticed a puffy, orange-spotted creature. Malani voiced her unease, but Wicket insisted that the hut would be better than the Tumble Bunnies. Horville chuckled in the background. The older children were disturbed by the Hut of Horrors, while the woklings were so traumatized that they cried. Horville cheerfully bid the Ewoks farewell, encouraging them to tell their friends about the Hut of Horrors.

Handling a Mess

Wicket understood that his mother would not allow him to go on the warriors' trip because of the trouble he had caused. But then, as he often did, Wicket had an idea: they would have a sleepover at his hut for the woklings, hoping they would forget the horrors they had seen by having a lot of fun. However, the evening did not go as planned; Wicket struggled to entertain the woklings, who continued to cry. Teebo tried to cheer them up by turning pebbles into sugar leaf taffy. When the taffy splattered on Teebo, the woklings laughed. Malani pointed out that he resembled Garth the snake eater, which frightened the children even more.

When Wicket's family returned home, Wicket attempted to hide the problem by claiming they were having a sleepover and that the woklings were crying for more of Shodu's sunberry pie. Wicket's older brother, Weechee, recounted the time he had taken Willy to the Hut of Horrors, and Shodu mentioned the nightmares Willy had afterward. Kneesaa tried to persuade Wicket to confess, but he was unwilling to give up the warrior's overnight trip.

The Dream Extractor

Fearing that the woklings would suffer the same fate, Teebo retrieved a machine from Master Logray that was supposed to extract bad dreams from the woklings and store them inside itself. When Latara inquired about where the bad dreams would go, Teebo replied that they would go somewhere. Wicket claimed it would be fine, while Kneesaa kissed the woklings after tucking them in. That night, the nightmare machine operated while all the Ewoks slept, removing all their bad dreams and memories of the Hut of Horrors.

However, a faulty leg on the device's tripod broke, causing the machine to fall near Wicket's bed, "releasing" the bad dreams into his mind. Wicket experienced a strange nightmare in which he was chased by Horville, then fell, then rode a balloon-creature into the sky, was mocked by Kneesaa, laughed at by woklings, kicked by Tumble Bunnies, eaten by a monster, grounded by his mother, and chained up as an attraction at Horville's Hut.

Making Up for It

Finally, Shodu woke Wicket from his nightmare. Realizing he had been found out, Wicket admitted to his mother that he had taken the woklings to the Hut of Horrors instead of the Tumble Bunny show. Shodu decided that he would not be allowed to go on the warriors' trip this year, but instead had another task: to take over the Tumble Bunny trainer's job and host ten Tumble Bunny shows himself.

Teebo commented that the Tumble Bunnies were not so bad after all. Kneesaa responded that she didn't think Wicket would agree. Wicket tried to reassure himself by saying he had completed five shows and only had five more to go.

Episode Credits

