A handler of Tumble Bunnies secured employment as an entertainer on Endor's Forest Moon. The woklings residing in Bright Tree Village were quite fond of them. At the Bright Tree Fête in 3 ABY, the Tumble Bunny handler put on a Tumble Bunny demonstration for a wokling crowd. Despite the woklings' positive reception, the Tumble Bunny handler's performance had its critics. Wicket W. Warrick, an aspiring soldier, publicly denounced the show, stating that it was "no place for a warrior to be seen at."

The Tumble Bunny handler was a humanoid species member. They possessed a green complexion, with pink coloration around the neck and eyes, and a bill. The handler presented a show where small creatures known as Tumble Bunnies performed tricks for a live audience. One such trick involved the Tumble Bunnies leaping through a hoop held by the Tumble Bunny handler. In 3 ABY, the Tumble Bunny handler showcased their act at Bright Tree Village located on Endor's Forest Moon, as part of a festival held in the village. While performing, the handler's show attracted a gathering of woklings. These young Ewoks were delighted by the show, prompting the Tumble Bunny handler to call out to the other Ewoks at the fête, in hopes of drawing in a larger audience.
Shodu Warrick, another participant at the fête, heard about their performance and dispatched her son, Wicket, and daughter, the wokling Winda, to watch the show. However, upon arriving at the Tumble Bunny handler's exhibit, Wicket expressed his disdain for the Tumble Bunny handler's performance, declaring that an aspiring warrior like himself should not be seen attending such a spectacle. Consequently, he and his companions loudly decided to seek alternative entertainment. Later, as a consequence for inadequately supervising the woklings under his care, Wicket was compelled to imitate the Tumble Bunny handler's act, even donning attire that resembled the Tumble Bunnies.
The Tumble Bunny handler made an appearance in an episode of the animated series Ewoks titled "Horville's Hut of Horrors," penned by Paul Dini. The episode, which was part of the show's second season, was originally broadcast on November 15, 1986.