Logray, a male Ewok hailing from the forest moon of Endor, held the esteemed position of chief shaman for the Bright Tree tribe during the tumultuous times of the Galactic Civil War. An event occurred during the war where Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO were brought before the tribe. Logray, under the impression that Threepio was a god, decreed that Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca should be sacrificed as a culinary offering to their "god." Their freedom was secured when Skywalker employed the Force to deceive the Ewoks, making them believe Threepio was displaying his "magic" through a show of intense anger. As the Ewoks deliberated whether to assist the Rebels in their assault on the shield generator, Logray expressed his reluctance to engage, voicing his worries for the Ewoks' well-being and suggesting the conflict was beyond their scope. However, he was ultimately persuaded by the others and deeply moved by Teebo's messages to the neighboring tribes. Subsequently, he and his fellow Ewoks launched an attack on the Imperial forces stationed on the moon during the Battle of Endor. Following the destruction of the second Death Star, he participated in the celebratory festivities. He also played a role in officiating the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa at the sacred Great Tree.
Logray was a male Ewok born on Endor, the forest moon of Endor. Once, when he was a child, he and the Ewok Chirpa secretly ventured out into the snowy landscape, but Chirpa's father, Chief Buzza, cleverly tricked them by fabricating a false trail of footprints, supposedly belonging to the fearsome Kroolok, which terrified the young Ewoks. In his younger years, Logray developed a strong belief in the deity known as the Golden One.
Eventually, Logray became the apprentice of Makrit, the shaman of the tribe residing in Bright Tree Village. During Logray's time as an apprentice, sleeping woklings began disappearing from their baskets within the village. Buzza and Makrit discussed this issue with Chirpa and his partner Ra-Lee. Ra-lee and Buzza believed that Duloks were responsible; however, Makrit advised against attacking the Duloks, exerting a power over Buzza that made the chief's eyes go blank, causing him to agree with the shaman. After the chief and shaman departed, Logray approached Chirpa and Ra-lee, expressing his disagreement with his master and convincing them to accompany him to the Dulok camp that night to search for the missing woklings.
The trio discovered the camp to be deserted, but after investigating a series of large footprints, they were attacked by a lone Dulok who seized Ra-Lee, proclaiming that the Ewoks must be sacrificed. Before the Dulok could harm Ra-Lee, its eyes turned blank, mirroring Buzza's earlier state, and Makrit revealed himself, having followed Logray and his companions from the village. The shaman explained that he had used the sunstar to overpower the Dulok's mind. Admitting his error regarding the Duloks, Makrit then questioned the Dulok about the sacrifices, and the Ewoks learned that the Duloks were making sacrifices at the base of Mount Krana to a great being that had destroyed their camp. Logray then journeyed with Makrit, Chirpa, and Ra-Lee to the mountain, where they discovered a massive Ewok effigy containing the woklings. As the woklings, whose eyes were blank, remained motionless, Logray, Chirpa, and Ra-Lee entered the effigy to rescue them; however, Makrit closed a cage door behind the trio, trapping them within the effigy.
The shaman revealed that he was responsible for kidnapping the woklings, but he required Chirpa as a more impressive sacrifice for the great being: the Gorax known as the Great Devourer. As he spoke, the Gorax arrived at the foot of the mountain, and Logray instructed Ra-Lee to quickly cut them free with her axe. Ra-Lee, stating that there was no time for Logray's plan, instead grabbed a burra horn that Chirpa was carrying and blew it. Realizing Ra-Lee's plan, Logray covered his ears at the sound, but soon reassured her it had worked when he felt the vibrations in the ground of an approaching heard of boar-wolves. The boar-wolves charged through the effigy and destroyed it, allowing Logray and his allies to jump out onto the backs of the boar-wolves with the woklings and flee. Makrit yelled after the group to stop as they escaped, but then was killed by the Gorax in their place.
Logray rose to the position of shaman and medicine master of the Bright Tree Tribe, while Chirpa also ascended to become chief. During a harsh winter, the two elders approached the brothers Wicket Wystri Warrick and Weechee, who were arguing while cleaning the long table in the village's Great Hall after a meal. Warrick, too young to have been allowed on a hunt, was asserting that he would prove to Weechee his spear-throwing abilities. Logray interrupted, questioning the young Ewok. When Weechee informed the elders that Warrick wished to go hunting in the snow, Chirpa reminded him that he was too young. However, when Warrick insisted and declared he would form a hunting party, Logray pondered if Warrick and his friends could face a Kroolok, which the shaman described as an Ewok-eating beast to the curious younglings.
That night, Warrick and his friends Teebo and Kneesaa, Chirpa's daughter, left the village to hunt for a Kroolok. Weechee, having created a Kroolok costume, followed them to scare them; however, Logray and Chirpa also followed, planning their own trick for the four younger Ewoks. Using large snowshoes, Chirpa created a false trail of Kroolok prints, as his father used to do. When Warrick and his companions found it, they began digging a pit trap, hoping to lure the Kroolok. Using Warrick as bait, they captured the disguised Weechee in the pit when he tried to scare them; however, when Warrick realized that Weechee's outfit could not have created the tracks they had found, Logray and Chirpa sprung their own surprise. The pair, who had been watching while hidden nearby, began to imitate the sounds of a Kroolok, with Logray blowing a horn to create the creature's loud bellow. Warrick, Weechee, Kneesaa, and Teebo all fled back to the village in terror, leaving Logray chuckling to himself. He praised Chirpa's false tracks, with the chief reminding the shaman of Buzza's similar trick in their youth. The pair then headed back to the village for the night, with Chirpa contemplating that they might have time to enjoy a goblet of spiced sunberry wine.
By 4 ABY, the Galactic Empire had established a presence on Endor, constructing a shield generator on the moon to safeguard the Death Star II superweapon in the Endor system above. As they began attacking neighboring Ewok villages, some of the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village advocated for attacking the invaders. Logray, however, believed they should not, fearing their enemy's vast power. Before the Council of Elders, he argued that the village should be evacuated before they could be attacked. However, Teebo argued that they should attack and rallied many Ewoks to his side. In a ploy to gain time to think, Logray asked the council for time to commune with the Golden One.
Meanwhile, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, adversaries of the Empire in the Galactic Civil War, planned to launch an attack on the Death Star and sent a strike team to Endor to destroy the generator. As Logray walked through the forest, searching for a plan to protect his village, he noticed the rebels and spotted the protocol droid C-3PO. He believed him to be the Golden One until he witnessed C-3PO clumsily tripping over roots and causing annoyance to his companions Han Solo and Chewbacca. However, the crafty Logray thought of a plan. Returning to the village, he soon led a hunting party, including Teebo, Asha Fahn, and [Lonta Kay](/article/lonta_kay], towards the location of the rebels. Soon, they encountered the group of rebels, several of whom had been snared in a trap. As the other Ewoks approached the rebels and noticed C-3PO, they also mistook him for the Golden One and began bowing to the confused droid. Meanwhile, Logray quickly returned to the village, intent on telling the Council of Elders that he had experienced a vision where the Golden One told them to hide in the underground cave systems to the north. Then, the hunting party would return with a physical sign from the Golden One, thus fully convincing them of the plan.

The hunting party soon returned, carrying C-3PO on a throne, while the droid's companions were bound. At the village, the leaders of the hunting party excitedly told Logray and Chirpa about their discovery. As Solo was lowered over a barbecue pit, Logray suggested that the Golden One's companions should be sacrificed. Also chattering excitedly, Logray waved his stick around mystically before Chirpa stepped forward and announced that Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca would be cooked and served as the main course of a feast in honor of the Golden One.
Logray then pushed through a crowd of Ewoks to where C-3PO was seated on a throne in the village center, producing a lightsaber taken from Skywalker and using it to gesture while talking to C-3PO. The droid then explained their predicament to his allies. Princess Leia Organa, another member of the rebel strike team who had been brought to the village as a guest, emerged and, recognizing her friends, attempted to stop the feast preparations. C-3PO translated her requests into Ewokese for Chirpa, who had also approached, but Logray and the chief ordered the Ewoks to continue. Upon Skywalker's request, C-3PO told the Ewoks that if they did not stop, the droid would become angry and use his magic. Although this caused the Ewoks present to pause, Logray ordered the cooking fires to be lit and preparations continued. Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, then used the Force to lift C-3PO and his throne, making the droid hover above the Ewoks. The shaman stumbled back from the floating droid, and the shaman and the chief cowered while clutching each other as the other Ewoks present fled from the village center. Logray eventually shouted orders for the captives to be released, and Skywalker lowered C-3PO back to the ground.
With the captives now considered guests, a feast of root stew was eaten instead, after which C-3PO told the Ewoks stories of the Empire and the Rebellion inside Chirpa's hut. The droid's tales finished with an explanation of the danger posed by the Death Star that the Ewoks could see in the sky above, prompting Chirpa to enter deep discussion with Teebo and the hunter Asha Fahn. When Logray attempted to interrupt, Fahn growled and bared her teeth due to a delicate political issue between the two, but Chirpa stopped her and asked that the shaman be allowed to speak his mind. Logray believed that they should prioritize the safety of the tribe and not involve themselves in issues beyond their scope; however, Chirpa had been inspired to aid the rebels. Because of the support of Teebo and Fahn, the chief was able to overrule Logray, which the shaman did not take well, shaking his holy sticks and stones in frustration.

Despite his protests, even Logray became caught up in the excitement when Chirpa announced to the village that they would join the rebels in their cause against the Empire, and he eventually helped to persuade the tribe to fight. With C-3PO translating, the Ewoks and the rebels agreed to strike the shield generator the following morning, after which the rebels retired for the night. The Ewoks held a war council instead of sleeping in which Romba, a refugee from a tribe of Ewoks wiped out by the Empire, suggested that not only their village, but all Ewoks, should have a chance to fight. In response, Logray mumbled about a sacred refuge where they could hide, but garnered no interest from the rest of the council. Teebo then composed a beautifully worded message explaining the situation and calling for aid, which Chirpa then had messengers deliver to the other Ewok tribes. Teebo's words were so moving that it gave even Logray hope and resolve.
The following morning, the rebels and Ewoks attacked the shield generator as planned, but discovered that the Empire had anticipated the rebels and set up a trap, capturing the rebel strike team. What the Empire had not counted on was the Ewoks, who managed to free their allies and ultimately overwhelmed the Imperial forces, allowing the rebels to destroy the shield generator. This in turn allowed the Alliance Fleet above to destroy the Death Star. As the battle station exploded in the sky above, Logray cheered at their victory alongside Warrick, Organa, Chewbacca, Solo, C-3PO, and the astromech droid R2-D2.
With the battle concluded, the Ewoks and rebels celebrated back at Bright Tree Village, with Logray participating. Two days after the battle, Solo proposed to Organa, and Chief Chirpa agreed to host the wedding. The Ewoks prepared the temple built in the Great Tree on the northern edge of the village, and several days after the battle, the ceremony took place with rebels and Ewoks in attendance. After Chirpa gave his blessing to the couple, Skywalker, who had been asked to officiate, rose from his seat, but Logray rushed past him and yelled out while banging his staff on the temple floor, causing petals around Solo and Organa to burst and spiral to the floor.
The Ewoks present mirrored Logray's cry of "yub nub," and the shaman led them in a call-and-response chant. When Solo asked C-3PO what was going on, Logray stopped the chant as the droid spoke, and pointed his staff at C-3PO. He declared that he could not lead the marriage ceremony and would step back to allow the Golden One to officiate instead as the voice of the Great Tree. Delighted at the opportunity, C-3PO said he could perform the task, but Solo objected and Skywalker stepped forward again; however, the shaman swung his staff at the Jedi, declaring that he would defend his deity from the usurper. On Organa's suggestion, C-3PO then explained to Logray that as a deity he would not meddle in human affairs and would instead elect a human to perform the ceremony as the Great Tree willed it. Skywalker used the Force to make an orb of amber in the temple glow as C-3PO spoke, causing Logray to raise his staff and shout as the other Ewoks gasped. The droid then bowed toward Skywalker, who was finally allowed to take his place as officiant.
Although the shaman allowed Skywalker to give his speech, Logray once again leapt up when it ended and beat his staff against the wooden floor, causing the petals in his headpiece to tremble. He then walked forward so intently that it was almost menacing, explaining to C-3PO that there was an Ewok wedding tradition that must be seen to and that he refused to cede this part of the ceremony. The shaman then grabbed Solo's hand and pulled it from Organa's, growling when Solo protested. The Ewok then mumbled under his breath as Chirpa brought up the shaman's staff; separating Solo's fingers, Logray pulled a vine from the staff and wrapped it around the groom's middle finger three times, chanting with a rhythmic melody to match the spiral of the vine as he did so. With half the vine wrapped around Solo's finger, Logray reached out to Organa, who offered him her hand so that the shaman could place her palm against Solo's and wrap the other half around her middle finger in a gentler manner then he had previously.
With the bride and groom's fingers bound, Logray took a moment to study his handiwork, and then stated in a solemn voice that the Great Tree bound the couple. Chirpa then handed the shaman back his staff, and Logray plucked a single flower-flier from it and tucked the insect into Organa's vine ring. Turning to the crowd, the shaman then banged his staff on the ground again and shouted out to the audience. After the Ewoks responded, Organa and Solo remained still, unsure of what to do, so Logray, sighing, turned to them and placed a paw on each of their wrists, repeating himself. Once Organa and then Solo copied the audience's response, the shaman gave a satisfied nod and pulled their hands apart, causing the vine to break and ooze nectar, which hardened the rings into amber. With the ceremony now over as far as they were concerned, Logray and Chirpa turned to the audience with their hands raised and once again repeated the chant, leading both rebels and Ewoks in another call-and-response chant. After Solo and Organa kissed, flower-fliers that had been perched all around the temple dropped down to float in the air, mesmerizing the human guests.
In the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, Logray was brought to life by Mike Edmonds. While the character's name is absent from the film's dialogue, it is acknowledged in the end credits.