A medicine man, alternatively known as a shaman, functioned as a conduit connecting the tangible realm with a hidden spiritual dimension, engaging in what was considered "magic" within specific ancestral communities. Among the Ewoks dwelling on Endor, shamans, such as Logray, conducted ceremonies designed to maintain equilibrium between their clans and the spirits inhabiting the forest. The Nightsisters residing on Dathomir similarly had individuals serving as shamans.
The Tusken Raiders of A'Yark's tribe held the conviction that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had chosen to live in the Western Dune Sea of Tatooine as part of his exile, was a shaman concealing himself within the ravines. Ultimately, A'Koba, a young Tusken, determined that the tribe should gather its warriors to pursue and capture the supposed shaman, oblivious to the fact that Kenobi was departing the planet alongside Luke Skywalker concurrently.