Elbo, a sovereign of the underwater realm, made his home on the forest moon of Endor. This king resided within a Coral Castle located at the sea's floor on Endor, yet he found joy in ascending to the surface to evaluate the moral character of the surface-dwelling beings. His customary assessment took place when a land creature inadvertently dropped something into the waters above his dwelling. After inquiring about the creature's distress, he presented items resembling the lost object. These items typically appeared far more valuable than the original, but should the creature resist claiming them, Elbo would eventually reveal both the original item and the presented items as a reward for their displayed integrity.
Eventually, Elbo encountered the Ewok Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who accidentally let her ankle bracelet slip into the water. Elbo conducted his usual test, which Kneesaa ultimately passed, earning two new golden bracelets as a result. After Kneesaa shared the tale with her companions, Latara resolved to undergo the test herself, hoping to acquire a new flute. However, her greed surpassed Kneesaa's honesty, leading her to fail the test, and Elbo took her back to his Coral Castle as punishment. Upon learning of Latara's predicament, her friends embarked on a mission to rescue her from Elbo's grasp. Reaching the Coral Castle, they persuaded Elbo to grant Latara one final opportunity to succeed in his test. Elbo crafted a new challenge for the young Ewok, which Latara eventually overcame. Satisfied, Elbo permitted the Ewoks to leave his kingdom and return to the surface world.
King Elbo reigned over a sea located on the forest moon of Endor circa 3 ABY. While well-known among the moon's aquatic inhabitants, he was less familiar to land-dwelling creatures like the Ewoks. Elbo's abode was a Coral Castle situated deep within his sea. This substantial structure was self-contained and filled with air, enabling Elbo to live outside of the water at the sea's bottom. The castle also housed several creatures who served Elbo in various capacities. Over time, Elbo had amassed a substantial collection of valuable items, which he stored in a vast treasure chamber within his castle. Despite his underwater residence, Elbo occasionally ventured to the surface to engage with land dwellers. These interactions typically began when surface dwellers dropped items into the waters above Elbo's home. Before returning the lost item, Elbo would use the opportunity to assess the individual's moral fiber.
After inquiring about the lost item, Elbo would present several objects similar to it. However, these objects were far more valuable, often adorned with gold and jewels. If the owner resisted the temptation to claim these items, Elbo would eventually present the original item. As the creature had remained honest, Elbo would present the valuable items alongside the original as a reward for their integrity. Conversely, if the individual succumbed to greed, Elbo would punish their lack of virtue. A third arm emerging from Elbo's shell would seize the greedy person, transporting them to his Coral Castle, where they would remain indefinitely.

Elbo eventually crossed paths with the young Ewok Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka. The Ewok, accompanied by her bordok Baga, was transporting a cart of supplies back to Bright Tree Village when she paused by a pool situated above Elbo's home. While dipping her feet in the water, she inadvertently flicked her ankle bracelet into the water. Saddened by the loss, Kneesaa was startled when Elbo emerged from the water in a geyser. Towering over the small Ewok, Elbo inquired about her distress, and she hesitantly admitted to losing her bracelet. Elbo presented her with an ornate golden bracelet, but the Ewok—while acknowledging its beauty—stated that it was not hers. Elbo then displayed another bracelet adorned with gems, but again, the Ewok honestly denied ownership. Finally, Elbo presented Kneesaa with her original bracelet, which she gratefully accepted.
Impressed by the Ewok's character, Elbo gifted her the other two bracelets. After Kneesaa thanked the king, he promptly bid her farewell and returned to the water. Elated by her good fortune, Kneesaa resolved to share the event with her friends in the village. Seeking out her companions, Wicket W. Warrick, Teebo, and Latara, Kneesaa recounted her encounter with King Elbo. Latara, realizing the potential for personal gain, decided to obtain a new flute from King Elbo in the same manner as Kneesaa had acquired two new bracelets. Despite her friends' objections, noting that they had crafted her original flute, Latara dismissed their concerns and departed to meet King Elbo.

Upon locating the spot where Kneesaa had dropped her ankle bracelet, Latara swiftly tossed her flute into the water. Feigning distress, Latara called out, lamenting the accidental loss of her flute. When Elbo didn't immediately appear, Latara called out again, growing concerned by his absence. However, the king soon emerged, inquiring about the problem. The Ewok requested the return of her flute, and as before, Elbo presented a golden version of the lost item. The golden flute immediately tempted Latara, and she claimed that it "might be" hers, expressing uncertainty. Elbo then presented the Ewok with another flute—this one studded with jewels. Latara became visibly excited by this new flute, but she greedily inquired if Elbo possessed any more such items in the water. Elbo offered the Ewok one final chance, presenting her with the original flute. However, Latara had lost her composure, and she lied to the king, claiming ownership of all three flutes. Disturbed by the Ewok's avarice, Elbo opened a hatch on his shell's top, revealing a third hand. Despite Latara's attempt to flee, Elbo seized her.
With his captive secured, Elbo descended to his Coral Castle. As the king and his prisoner journeyed to his home, they were observed by Latara's three friends, who had followed to prevent her from getting into trouble. With the assistance of a small fish, the three Ewoks pursued Elbo back to his home. Before the Ewoks reached his home, Elbo brought Latara to the Coral Castle and placed a false fish tail on her person, as well as imprisoning her through the use of a squid prison guard. Shortly afterward, Latara's friends arrived at the castle and swiftly freed their friend, removing the tail that Elbo had forced her to wear. As the four Ewoks made their way to the exit, they were intercepted by Elbo, who sought to prevent his prisoner's escape.

Elbo pursued the Ewoks through his home, but in their haste to escape, they made a wrong turn, leading them to a wooden crate positioned above Elbo's ray monster. The fearsome creature lunged and snapped at the Ewoks, leaving them at the mercy of King Elbo. The Ewoks implored Elbo to release them, claiming that they had only come to rescue their friend. Kneesaa even offered to return the bracelets that the king had given her, but Elbo hesitated to forgive Latara for her avarice. Witnessing the Ewoks' concern for their friend, Elbo agreed to give Latara one more chance to redeem herself, but warned that failure would result in the imprisonment of all the Ewoks. The Ewoks reluctantly agreed to Elbo's terms, and Elbo devised a new test for Latara. He placed the Ewok in a chamber filled with riches and instructed her to return with the room's most valuable item. Among the other items, Elbo had placed Latara's flute, the one that her friends had made for her.
As Latara grappled with the decision, struggling to determine which of the valuable items would be most precious to Elbo, her friends remained in the crate suspended above Elbo's monster. As time passed, Latara's friends began to doubt her ability to fulfill Elbo's requirements, and Wicket asked Teebo to attempt to free them using his magic. However, Teebo's efforts only resulted in the engorgement of Elbo's monster, and its increased size allowed it easier access to the Ewoks in their crate. Amused, Elbo watched as his monster drew closer and closer to devouring the Ewoks. Just as it seemed that the Ewoks would be consumed by Elbo's creature, Latara returned from her test, clutching her old wooden flute. After declaring that the wooden flute was the most valuable item in the chamber because her friends had given it to her, Elbo declared that she had picked rightly, and he released her friends from their perilous position.

Surprised by Latara's ultimate success in his test, Elbo declared that everyone had learned a lesson, and he granted the Ewoks their freedom. As Elbo watched, Teebo attempted to summon his small fish friend who had previously aided the Ewoks in their underwater travel. However, instead of his fish friend, a large fish, that Teebo assumed to be his friend's cousin, arrived and created a transport bubble for the group to return to the surface. As the Ewoks bid farewell to King Elbo, Latara couldn't resist questioning the king about his plans for the other flutes in his possession. However, her friends quickly restrained Latara before she could cause further trouble, and the group departed in their bubble.
Elbo held virtue in high regard, readily imposing harsh penalties on those who deviated from his perceived standards of honorable behavior. When Latara failed his test, he forcibly brought her back to his castle, intending to imprison her there for life. Conversely, if a creature succeeded in his tests, he was quite generous, bestowing valuable prizes upon those who demonstrated honesty. When Princess Kneesaa passed his test, he willingly relinquished two golden bracelets as a reward for her integrity.

While Elbo could be benevolent and genuinely pleased when Latara learned her lesson, he also possessed a cruel streak. Upon imprisoning Latara, he forced her to wear a false tail, restricting her movement and preventing her escape. Elbo also granted his ray monster free access to the Ewoks while they awaited Latara's completion of her second test. When the Ewoks inadvertently increased the monster's size, Elbo simply chuckled appreciatively. He remained unconcerned as his monster threatened to devour the Ewoks, making no effort to intervene until Latara returned from her test.
Elbo possessed a unique physiology, including a large shell with three spout holes on either side. He also had three webbed hands, with one housed within his shell. These hands provided little support, as he walked on four spindly appendages. Additionally, his neck was extendable, allowing him to move his head several meters from his body to converse with distant individuals.
King Elbo was conceived by Bob Carrau for the seventeenth episode of the second season of Ewoks, titled "The Tragic Flute." In the episode, Elbo serves to illustrate the importance of honesty and the dangers of greed. The episode does not specify Elbo's species or how he became king.
A production sketch for the episode labels the character "King Albo," and some Ewoks in the finished episode pronounce his name similarly. However, the article "A Star Wars CELibration" in Star Wars Insider 27 standardized the spelling as "Elbo."