A peculiar ray-like predator of unknown classification originated from Endor, the Forest Moon. King Elbo kept one of these creatures within his Coral Castle. This animal resided in a separate pool, positioned beneath a sizable wooden container. On occasion, trespassers found themselves confined within this wooden crate. The ray-shaped creature would then torment these captives by leaping out of its pool and aggressively biting at the crate, attempting to reach those trapped within. When the Ewoks Wicket Wystri Warrick, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Latara, and Teebo were imprisoned inside the crate, Teebo inadvertently caused the monster to grow in size because of an errant potion. Now significantly larger, the monster could reach the crate with greater ease, posing a threat to consume both the crate and the Ewoks inside. Nevertheless, Elbo intervened at the critical moment, preventing the monster from carrying out its intentions.