The Cavern of Broken Dreams represented a notable location found on the Forest Moon of Endor.
Out of sadness stemming from his unsuccessful initial warrior's trial, Wicket Wystri Warrick, the youthful Ewok warrior in training, journeyed to this cavern. His companion, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, tried to compel a troublesome Lucksprite to reveal the reality to Wicket, namely, that the Lucksprite was the cause of Wicket's setback.
Even after rescuing Kneesaa from a giant spider and overcoming the Lucksprite's misfortune, Wicket was at first unwilling to trust Kneesaa's words. Nevertheless, upon discovering that he was the very first warrior to ever triumph over this especially powerful Lucksprite, Wicket enthusiastically welcomed Kneesaa's appeal for another trial, and then departed from the cavern.