Bomis Koori IV, a planet situated within the Mid Rim, served as the central hub for the Corporate Alliance's defensive troops stationed on nearby planets throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
Part of a cluster of Koorivar settlements, Bomis Koori IV was home to Corporate Alliance manufacturing plants that held the distinction of being the largest producers of battle droids in the Mid Rim.
Leading up to the eventual Battle of Bomis Koori IV, the Separatist General Oro Dassyne amassed a significant number of defensive weapons on the planet, anticipating a major assault by the Jedi. The ensuing attack deviated somewhat from Dassyne's expectations, and, due to Jedi interference, the ray shield protecting the fortifications was disabled, leaving the planet vulnerable to widespread starfighter attacks and orbital bombardment.
Following the Battle of Endor, Bomis Koori came under the dominion of Moff Prentioch. The New Republic later defeated the Imperial Warlord at Bomis Koori.