Borik Yelgo was a Jedi Knight of the Human species (a male) who served the Jedi Order. His service occurred during the declining years of the Galactic Republic.
Being Force-sensitive, Borik Yelgo received instruction in the ways of the Force at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. He remained there until he attained the rank of Jedi Knight after completing his Trials of Knighthood around 22 BBY. During the Clone Wars, a violent conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jedi Yelgo served the Order. He managed to survive both the war and the treacherous betrayal of the Jedi Order by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine, who was secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith known as Darth Sidious, initiated Contingency Order 66, which commanded the troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to assassinate their Jedi allies. While Yelgo's specific actions during the war are not clear, he successfully evaded being killed by the forces of the newly established Galactic Empire. He went into hiding as Emperor Palpatine reorganized the remains of the Republic and dissolved the Jedi Order.
Yelgo was placed on the Empire's list of wanted fugitives and was eventually located by Imperial agents at the Coth Fuuras space station. Squad 40, an Imperial commando unit from the 501st Legion, was tasked with his assassination. The three clone commandos developed a strategy to minimize civilian casualties on the station by triggering a fire alarm to force an evacuation. As the crowd of civilians moved past a disguised checkpoint, the squad spotted Yelgo, easily identifiable due to his broken nose and freckles. As the ambush commenced, Yelgo attempted to escape but was unable to reach the fire doors before they closed. Trapped and accepting his fate, Yelgo ignited his lightsaber and engaged the squad. Deflecting blaster fire, Yelgo focused on a transparisteel wall, using the Force to collapse it on himself and the squad. Before he could completely destroy the wall, commando Rede surprised Yelgo by blasting through the wall, causing it to shatter prematurely. As the wall exploded above Yelgo, Rede rushed in and stabbed him in the abdomen. Stunned, Yelgo fell to his knees, where Rede shot him twice in the head.