The Bormu were gigantic, plant-eating creatures that lived on the verdant plains of Balmorra. These gentle giants roamed the plains in groups and, even though they were massive, they were kind and amiable towards the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. They never attacked anyone and, when in danger, depended on the collective power of the herd to defend themselves by trampling any potential threat. During the Cold War, when Imperial troops shelled the planet, many of these slow-moving behemoths perished. With their population severely reduced, the Bormu then had to contend with the contamination from the ruined factories on the planet, which contaminated the earth, their sole source of food. Because their population was so diminished following the shelling, they were easily overcome by quicker, smaller predators, like the zeldrate.
By the war's conclusion, the Bormu were nearly extinct, with only a handful remaining after the conflict.