Boss Banjeer

Boss Banjeer was a male Human who functioned as the Governor of the planet Baramorra throughout the time of the Galactic Civil War.


Admiral Llon Banjeer was his uncle, and in 11 ABY, when Llon was appointed to the Imperial Ruling Council, he gave control of Baramorra and all bounty hunters within its sector to his nephew. When the Baramorra elders voiced their disapproval, the Boss ordered their executions. He also conducted transactions with Grappa the Hutt. In 11 ABY, Kir Kanos, disguised as Kenix Kil, arrived on Baramorra, responding to Banjeer's summons for bounty hunters. Kil, making sure the governor was aware of Kanos' location, guided his bounty hunters into the planet's wooded areas, killing them before going back to finish the task with Banjeer.

