Llon Banjeer

Llon Banjeer was a male Human and an admiral within the Imperial forces, specifically commanding a substantial fleet following the notable Battle of Endor. After the Endor incident in 4 ABY, Banjeer formed an alliance with the Warlord known as Zsinj, which preceded an assault he led against the New Republic's Hast Shipyards. Some years later, the admiral became one of the backers supporting Carnor Jax, a former Royal Guard who aspired to become a Sith Lord, in his scheme to undermine the clones of Emperor Palpatine. Representing the Imperial Navy, Banjeer held a position on the Imperial Interim Ruling Council under both Jax and the wealthy, arrogant Burr Nolyds. Leveraging his influence, the admiral ensured that his nephew was appointed as the leader of Baramorra and, consequently, all the bounty hunters within that sector. Being a staunch Humanocentrist and Imperial traditionalist, Admiral Banjeer held a deep dislike for serving alongside the various non-Humans who were part of the Council.

After Nom Anor, an agent of the Yuuzhan Vong, assassinated Nolyds, Banjeer was the first to point the finger at Kir Kanos, a Royal Guard. He also posited that the Council's leader would always be a target, which led to the Council's decision to elect Xandel Carivus, a wealthy bureaucrat, as Nolyds' successor, in the hopes that the assassin would strike again, eliminating the least popular member. Banjeer voiced his support for Carivus's nomination, stating that at least the nominee was Human. Ultimately, the admiral became Nom Anor's second victim, although, as with Nolyds's murder, the assassination was staged to implicate Kir Kanos.


Llon Banjeer was a male Human who served as an admiral for the Galactic Empire. He was in command of one of the Imperial Navy's most substantial fleets in the years following the initial death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor. Subsequent to the Emperor's demise, Banjeer became an ally to Grand Moff Zsinj, the warlord governing the Quelii Oversector. In the year 4 ABY, after Imperial intelligence located the New Republic's Hast Shipyards, the admiral organized a fleet to launch an attack on the facility. Having acquired several bulk cruisers from the affluent D'Asta family fleet and modifying them into TIE fighter carriers, Banjeer assaulted the shipyards, successfully destroying or severely damaging over thirty New Republic vessels—many of which were intended for use against Zsinj's forces.

Around 11 ABY, Banjeer became one of the Imperial Military officers who gained membership in the Imperial Interim Ruling Council, an Imperial governing body that was formed following the defeat at Endor. While serving on the Council, Banjeer advocated for the interests of the Imperial Navy. Utilizing the power afforded by his new position, Banjeer installed his nephew as the leader of the temperate planet Baramorra. Consequently, the new leader of Baramorra employed his uncle's connections to assume control over all the bounty hunters in the sector, enabling him to maintain order among the population. Admiral Banjeer, along with other members of the Council, conspired with Carnor Jax, an aspiring Sith Lord and former member of the Royal Guardsman, to sabotage Palpatine's clones via his physician, with the intention of facilitating Jax's ascension to Emperor. After Carnor Jax was killed on Yinchorr by fellow Royal Guard Kir Kanos, Burr Nolyds, an arrogant aristocrat, took over as head of the Council, and Banjeer continued his service under Nolyds.

During a gathering of the Interim Ruling Council in De-Purteen on Ord Cantrell, where the state of the Empire was being discussed, Feena D'Asta, a Council member, proposed seeking peace with the New Republic. Nolyds declared that such an agreement would not happen; Jax's scheme had set the stage for the Council's control over the Empire's remnants, and any attempts at negotiation would lead to their downfall. As Nolyds departed, he stated that the deaths of Jax and General Redd Wessel of the Imperial Army, much like Palpatine's deaths, had benefited all members of the Council. Shortly thereafter, Nolyds was assassinated when a message disk planted by Nom Anor, an agent of the Yuuzhan Vong, self-destructed in his private chambers, creating chaos in preparation for a galactic invasion by his people.

The late Admiral Banjeer

The Council members suspected that the assassin was one of their own, but Banjeer suggested that Kir Kanos was the one responsible, and that the leader of the council would always be a target. This led to Xandel Carivus, a wealthy bureaucrat and native of Ord Cantrell, being nominated by Prince Za of the Defel—at the suggestion of Norym Kim, a Myke and former pirate—to succeed Nolyds as the leader of the Interim Ruling Council at a subsequent meeting. Banjeer supported Carivus's nomination because Carivus was Human, aligning with his Humanocentrist views. The Council members were unaware that their new leader was a puppet of Nom Anor and would not be assassinated like Nolyds.

However, the same could not be said for Banjeer. While awaiting his dinner, the admiral was fatally stabbed by Nom Anor using a knife bearing Kir Kanos's insignia. One of Banjeer's aides discovered the body while delivering the admiral's meal. To prevent further losses, the stormtrooper guards were doubled, and all personnel were placed on high alert. At a subsequent Council meeting, General [Immodet], a councilor, accused the non-Human members of the Council of being responsible for the assassinations of Nolyds and Banjeer. Although the members in question denied any involvement, Admiral [Jeratai], who also held a seat on the Council and commanded his own fleet, agreed with Immodet's assessment. Feena D'Asta accused Carivus of failing to take precautions to prevent further executions after Nolyds's death, claiming that his negligence had led to Banjeer's death. Lieutenant [Ganner], the head of security, incorrectly concluded that Kir Kanos was behind the murders based on evidence from both crime scenes, discovering that the insignia on the holoprojector used to kill Nolyds and the symbol on the knife used to kill Banjeer matched Kanos's Royal Guard crest. Carivus responded by ordering Jeratai's and Banjeer's fleets to find and capture Kanos.

Personality and traits

As an Imperial traditionalist with mild Humanocentrist tendencies, Banjeer disliked the presence of non-Humans on the Interim Ruling Council and opposed the idea of a non-Human leading the Council, preferring someone like Xandel Carivus—whom the Council members despised—over a non-Human. Unlike his comrades, Banjeer was not quick to accuse a Council member of being behind Nolyds's assassination, believing that Kir Kanos was continuing his vendetta against those who had sabotaged Palpatine's clones.

Behind the scenes

Admiral Banjeer, initially appearing as an unnamed member of the Ruling Council, debuted in issue one of 1997's Star Wars: Crimson Empire, authored by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley and illustrated by Paul Gulacy. Banjeer later appeared (and was given a name) in issues one and two of 1998's Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood before his character was killed off. He was mentioned in The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil, which introduced his nephew. Brief entries about the admiral were also included in Star Wars Handbook 2: Crimson Empire and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Coruscant and the Core Worlds mentions a Banjeer family estate in Sirpar Hills on Anaxes, although this estate has not been definitively linked to this particular Banjeer. In 2012, his first name, "Llon," was revealed in The Essential Guide to Warfare.

