The Bowl held a position of great importance within the belief system of the Cosmic Balance. Upon reaching adulthood, children born into families of the Faithful were presented by their parents with either the Bowl or the Feather. This object signified the path they would take in life, and their destiny in the Life To Come. Individuals who received the Bowl dedicated their lives to asceticism within the faith, ensuring prosperity for their sibling. Conversely, in the afterlife, those who had been given the Bowl would be greatly compensated and attended to by the sibling who had experienced a life of enrichment. For example, Ylanda Captison, the sister of Bakuran Senator Gaeriel Captison, was given the Bowl at the age of fourteen and subsequently embraced a life of asceticism. In contrast, Yeorg Captison, when presented with the Bowl by his family, rejected it and chose to abandon the Faith altogether.