Cosmic Balance

The Religion of Cosmic Balance, also known as the Cosmic Balance or simply Balance, functioned as the main religious system on the world of Bakura.

Core Tenets

The Religion of the Cosmic Balance operated under the principle that every single action taken in the universe resulted in an equal, yet opposite, reaction somewhere else. For example, if one person experienced a stroke of good fortune, another person would simultaneously experience an equally unfortunate event. Similarly, if two individuals fell in love, two other lovers would find themselves separated. If someone discovered three credits, another person would lose the same amount at that precise moment.

Historical Context

The Balance grew as a faith under the guidance of the hierophant Dif Istuvi. Dif authored its sacred text, known as Fulcrum. He also established the order of priest prophets called the Zanazi. Although founded on the planet Hemei IV, the religion eventually died out there, only to find a new home and thrive on Bakura.

Symbolic Representations

A half-black, half-white ring served as the symbol for the Cosmic Balance; devotees of the religion would commonly wear pendants representing this symbol, typically on necklaces.

The act of removing excessive spikes from cloudberries to ensure palatable fruit was used as a metaphor for followers of the Cosmic Balance.

The adherents of the Cosmic Balance were convinced that the Jedi, through their utilization of the Force, disrupted the equilibrium of the universe. They believed that as the "greedy" Jedi amplified their own power by mastering the Force, the Cosmic Balance ensured that the surrounding misery and poverty increased. Consequently, the followers of the Cosmic Balance attributed the decline of the Old Republic to the actions of the Jedi. The followers of the Cosmic Balance hailed the Great Jedi Purge as an event that helped restore universal equilibrium, even incorporating it into their religious teachings as a "morality tale."


Families who identified as Equilibrates traditionally had two children of similar age who adhered to the Rule of the Feather and Bowl. As teenagers, these pairs underwent a series of tests. The most promising youth would receive a small feather, while the other was given a golden bowl. The Child of the Bowl would then leave home to join a communal Simple Home, serving the Zanazi order. The Child of the Feather remained within Bakuran society and received Zanazi funding for a more prestigious education. While some Children of the Bowl eventually abandoned the Faith, the majority dedicated their lives to service.

Gaeriel Captison practiced the Cosmic Balance; after the death of her parents, her devotion to the religion intensified, as she found comfort in the belief that their deaths must have improved the lives of others. When Luke Skywalker's presence on Bakura during the Invasion of Bakura was revealed, she - along with many other Bakuran followers of the Cosmic Balance - believed that the Balance had orchestrated the Ssi-ruuvi invasion to counteract the Jedi's return.

Dark Jedi Alema Rar was said to be a follower of the Balance, although she distorted the philosophy to justify punishing others for the wrongs she had suffered, rather than accepting the inverse.

