The Human woman residing on the planet of Msst was the mother of Brakiss. This female gave birth to a Force-sensitive infant, Brakiss, who was subsequently abducted from her care by operatives working for the Galactic Empire. Although Brakiss was permitted sporadic visits with her, she perceived a distinct change in him. Following the Empire's withdrawal from Msst, she chose to stay and pilfered assorted pieces of Imperial technology, which aided in her survival. In 17 ABY, Brakiss paid her a visit and informed her that Luke Skywalker would eventually arrive seeking him out, instructing her to guide the Jedi Master toward Telti. Upon Luke's arrival on Msst, he sustained injuries inflicted by the mistmakers; Brakiss's mother then rescued him and placed him within a bacta tank. She divulged information regarding Telti, yet implored him to avoid going, explaining that Brakiss intended to murder Skywalker, and that she believed Brakiss had finally found meaningful employment, and she did not want Skywalker to jeopardize it.