Breeding grounds

The breeding grounds represented a specific site on the planet F'tral. It was here that the indigenous species of that world, known as the Iyra, gathered for the purpose of mating. These gatherings, involving both sexes of the same caste, took place biannually, occurring twice every local year. The Iyra's mating rituals involved elaborate demonstrations: the males showcased their ability to alter their color in impressive displays, while the females performed intricate aquatic dances. If these performances proved mutually attractive, the pairs would then engage in copulation, with the male utilizing a unique tentacle to deposit sperm and fertilize the eggs held within the female.

Behind the scenes

The Iyra breeding grounds were first brought to light in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races. This sourcebook, authored by Troy Denning for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, saw its initial publication in 1989.


Notes and references
