Bren Kingal, a male Human individual, called the small Tatooine settlement of Mos Taike his home and served as a junior officer within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.
In the year 1 ABY, Bren Kingal crossed paths with a new arrival in Mos Taike. Following a brief conversation, Bren tasked the spacer with locating and eliminating an Aqualish criminal by the name of Thark. He stated that Thark had absconded with a personal shield generator and that its return was essential. The spacer accepted this assignment and sought out Thark. Thark then revealed that he was actually an Imperial informant who had taken the shield generator from a thief before it could reach the Rebels. Before the spacer could react to this information, Thark, fearing for his life, initiated an attack. The spacer swiftly dispatched Thark and returned to Bren. In gratitude for the successful completion of the mission, Bren presented the spacer with a Worrt casserole, prepared by his sister.
Bren had another task available for the spacer. He asserted that a gangster named Kli Sithrin had brazenly stolen a medpac directly from a young girl's grasp. When the spacer questioned the motive behind stealing a medpac from a child, Bren simply stated that the gangsters of Anchorhead were known to mark their territory in such ways, akin to a womp rat.
The spacer located Kli Sithrin, who was in the vicinity of Mos Taike at that time. Upon being approached by the spacer, Kli vehemently denied stealing any medpac and claimed he was awaiting a meeting with an ISB official. Realizing that he had inadvertently divulged an Imperial secret, Kli decided to attack the spacer. Once again, the spacer triumphed over his adversary and returned to Bren. This time, Bren rewarded the spacer with Bantha steak soup, also prepared by his sister.
Bren requested that the spacer locate another individual, named Jespral Farandan, who he claimed was a prominent figure in an offworld terrorist organization. Bren asserted that Jespral was planning a new attack and possessed information crucial to their defenses. The spacer, beginning to doubt Bren's honesty, questioned whether Jespral was truly a gangster, pointing out that his previous two targets did not seem like criminals. Bren dismissed the spacer's concerns, stating that if he starts believing in crooks, there will never be justice. The spacer conceded and agreed to seek out Jespral. Bren mentioned that Jespral would be wearing a Rebel Alliance uniform but was definitely not a Rebel.
The spacer located Jespral nearby. Jespral identified himself as another operative of the ISB and attacked the spacer, believing him to be a Rebel agent. Jespral was killed, and the spacer returned to Bren. This time, Bren provided the spacer with a loaf of Tusken bread.
Bren had one final mission for the spacer. A supposed murderer and master of disguise, Throne Thanamiroc, was said to be on a homicidal rampage. Bren claimed that he had hijacked a vehicle and was causing chaos in the area. When the spacer asked for a description, Bren said he could be disguised as anything, including an Imperial soldier. He instructed the spacer to bring back proof of his death, such as a helmet. The spacer found Throne and successfully eliminated him. He returned with an AT-ST pilot helmet that Throne was wearing, but according to Bren, he was posing as a bounty hunter. Bren thanked the spacer for his service and offered one last reward, an Eopie cream pie.
Bren Kingal functioned as a Non-Player Character (NPC) within the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, before the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Players had the option to undertake a short series of quests for him, which involved betraying several Imperial agents. As Bren did not reveal the true allegiances of the targets, both Imperial and Rebel players could complete these missions for him.