Brixie Ergo, also known as Miss Brix by Lex Kempo, was once a medical student before becoming a female mercenary affiliated with the Red Moons. Her reason for joining the Red Moons was to liberate her parents, who had been conscripted by the Pentastar Alignment to work as field surgeons.

As a field medic, she participated in the Red Moon's operation on Gabredor III. The mission's objective was to rescue the children of a businessman within the Alignment who desired to defect to the New Republic. Initially, she was perplexed by the constant banter between Kempo, Sully Tigereye, and Hugo Cutter, but eventually realized it was simply their way of interacting as longtime companions; she also thought Hugo belonged in a psychotrauma ward. During their time on Gabredor III, she eliminated a large reptilian creature that threatened her life. During the assault on the Karazak Slavers Cooperative's base, Kempo drove a repulsorcart loaded with explosives toward their command center. Attempting to jump clear, his foot became trapped, resulting in his death in the subsequent explosion, which profoundly impacted Brixie.