
The bulfus (pluralized as bulfusi) represented a sizable flying mammal indigenous to the Core Worlds planet known as Corulag. Exhibiting a general resemblance to a bat but incorporating characteristics similar to an otter, bulfusi were adept hunters known for their potent aerial assault.

Biology and appearance

Bulfusi, native to the Core Worlds planet of Corulag, were dark-furred, powerfully built, and oily mammals distinguished by lengthy whiskers and double-lidded eyes. These traits contributed to their otter-like appearance, although their overall form was streamlined and reminiscent of a bat. Bulfusi emitted a notably disagreeable odor when wet, a frequent condition given their habitat and way of life. Bulfus pups would secure themselves to their parent's upper back until reaching the age of five months, at which point they would learn to fly.


Bulfusi functioned as nocturnal predators, establishing their homes in muddy burrows near water sources. They possessed the capability to hunt both in water and in the air, typically swooping down to seize smaller prey from beneath dense vegetation. While generally peaceful toward Human-sized beings, bulfusi demonstrated fierce protectiveness regarding their young, readily defending them against any perceived disturbance or threat. A bulfus executing a dive-bombing attack at full speed could effectively knock a Wookiee off their feet. Despite this behavior and their strong bite, bulfusi could be domesticated, though their substantial size and voracious appetite rendered them unsuitable as typical pets. Nevertheless, some inhabitants of Corulag trained bulfusi to serve as guard animals and entertainers.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of bulfusi occurred within the sourcebook titled Coruscant and the Core Worlds, released by Wizards of the Coast in 2003 for utilization with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.


Notes and references
