The burrowing plasma charge can be described as a warhead for missiles, designed by Arakyd Industries to penetrate heavily fortified objectives during the Clone Wars. This weapon system operated in two distinct phases: first, a plasma warhead detonated, creating an initial breach; subsequently, a shaped charge followed through the opening, ensuring the target's destruction.
In an effort to combat Separatist starfighter emplacements located deep within the mine shafts of Ongary IX, the Republic Military equipped the Z-95 Headhunters of the Ividal Sector Forces with burrowing plasma charges for the counterattack. However, a significant issue arose: the intense luminosity produced by the warheads' detonations caused temporary blindness in pilots and disrupted their head-up displays. To mitigate this, opaque blast shields were affixed to flight helmets to safeguard the eyes of the aviators.