Ongary IX

Ongary IX, a heavenly body in the Mid Rim region of space, was situated within the Ividal sector. This location was known for its hfredium mines, which the Confederacy of Independent Systems transformed into operational bases for their Vulture droid starfighter fleet after seizing control of it during the Clone Wars.

When the Galactic Republic devised a plan to eliminate these Confederacy outposts on Ongary IX, the Z-95 Headhunters belonging to the Ividal Sector Forces' Foxfire Squadron were equipped with special burrowing plasma charges to conduct bombing runs. However, the intense light emitted during the warheads' detonation caused visibility issues for the starfighter pilots. As a solution, Republic technicians modified the squadron's helmets by adding opaque blast shields. The subsequent bombing mission successfully destroyed one of the Confederacy bases on Ongary IX, and the Headhunter starfighters were then transported back to the Ividal Sector Forces' home base on the following day.


Ongary IX was a planet-like object located in the Ongary system, which itself was a part of the Slice within the Mid Rim. The surface of this astronomical body featured a prominent mountain, and hfredium, a valuable metal used in the construction of starship, was mined from several mines that were built around central shafts.


Strategic mines

During the period of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems took control of Ongary IX because they desired the hfredium deposits found there. The Confederacy assumed control of the mines on the planet and repurposed their central shafts into operational bases for their Vulture droid starfighters. These fighters would launch from these facilities to engage in combat at both sunrise and sunset.

The flight helmets of Republic starfighter pilots were outfitted with blast shields for bombing runs on Ongary IX.

The Galactic Republic had plans to eliminate the Confederacy's bases on Ongary IX during the war. However, they were unable to allocate their starfighter squadrons to the task, as they were already involved in a military operation occurring at Uvadala. Instead, the Republic Military enlisted the assistance of the local Ividal Sector Forces, providing the Z-95 Headhunters of Foxfire Squadron with Arakyd Industries burrowing plasma charges, transforming them into effective bombers.

Following this upgrade, Foxfire Squadron executed multiple bombing runs targeting Confederacy positions located on Ongary IX. However, the plasma warheads detonated by the Headhunters produced an unexpectedly intense flash of light. As a result, pilots named Jens and Rafana became disoriented and were subsequently killed. After the second bombing run, Republic technicians modified the flight helmets worn by Foxfire Squadron, adding hinged plastoid blast shields that could be lowered to cover the pilot's face at the moment the plasma charges were launched.

Flying blind

The bombing run that occurred on the following day was aimed at one of the hfredium mines. Foxfire Squadron engaged with a defensive screen of Vulture droids in a fierce aerial battle before deploying the plasma charges. The Headhunter pilots activated their blast shields, effectively flying without visual input until the warheads reached their targets and detonated. The pilot Jorn Kulish navigated through the dogfights at a low altitude of thirty meters, forced to wait for eight seconds until the missile's detonation, only to discover that his helmet's blast shield was jammed.

The pilot Jorn Kulish left Ongary IX aboard the freighter Stellar Envoy.

Kulish struggled with the helmet's chin strap for a period of ten to fifteen seconds before finally managing to remove it. He then noticed that his swerving starfighter had passed within just two meters of a mountain. The bombing run that day was a success for the Republic's forces, with the targeted mine collapsing inward and completely burying the Confederacy base.

The following day, Foxfire Squadron's Headhunter starfighters were loaded onto a Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer destined to return to the sector forces' base located on the planet Ividal. However, due to his experience during the attack on Ongary IX, Kulish made the decision to resign from the service. Instead, he departed the planet as a passenger aboard the Coreward-bound Republic Group freighter named Stellar Envoy.

Behind the scenes

The original intention was to include a mention of Ongary IX in the 2012 reference book titled The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. However, the section that would have contained information about the planet was removed prior to the book's publication.

The information regarding Ongary IX was subsequently released in 2014 as a part of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut. This was a series of articles published on the Blog by Fry and Del Rey editor Erich Schoeneweiss, featuring various pieces of content that had been cut from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Ongary system, and consequently Ongary IX, in grid square P-14.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 10: The Rise of the Empire on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
