Jorn Kulish was a pilot of the male persuasion. He piloted a Z-95 Headhunter while serving with Foxfire Squadron, which was part of the Ividal Sector Forces. This occurred in the closing years of the Galactic Republic.
During the period known as the Clone Wars, Kulish went with Foxfire Squadron to Ongary IX. This was because the Republic requested the Ividal Sector Forces to supply fighter squadrons to participate in a counterattack directed at the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the battle, the Foxfire Squadron Headhunters were used as bombers. Their objective was to launch burrowing plasma charges at Separatist forces dug into the planet's mines. However, they ran into a problem: the intense light from the burrowing plasma charges' explosions would completely polarize the visors on their flight helmets, thus scrambling their head-up displays. This resulted in two members of Foxfire Squadron, Jens and Rafana, becoming casualties during two bombing runs. Before a third bombing run, the squadron's helmets were modified by adding plastoid blast shields. These shields were designed to be flipped down at missile launch to protect the eyes from the explosion, and then flipped up again after the flash subsided.
Foxfire Squadron fought through a screen of Vulture droid starfighters before flying low to attack the mine. Kulish, while launching his warheads, lowered the blast shield on his helmet to shield his eyes from the detonation flash. The attack went well, but after the explosion, Kulish's blast shield got stuck. He nearly crashed into a mountain before he managed to remove his helmet.
After the battle, Foxfire Squadron was ordered to load their Headhunters onto a Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer for transport back to Ividal. Kulish opted not to go with them because his experience during the battle made him unwilling to fly his fighter again, leading him to resign. Instead, Kulish got a ride off-world with the Republic Group agents Tobb Jadak and Reeze Duurmun aboard the YT-1300 light freighter known as the Stellar Envoy.
During the trip, Kulish retrieved his helmet to explain to the two agents why he had quit. Kulish then disembarked at Denon and accidentally left his helmet behind, though he was not upset about losing it. A decade later, during the Galactic Civil War, Luke Skywalker, a prospective Jedi, used Kulish's helmet while training against remotes aboard the Stellar Envoy, by then known as the Millennium Falcon.
Jorn Kulish was initially mentioned in the article titled Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut, Part 10: The Rise of the Empire. This article was part of a series by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart that released content written for the reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare that was ultimately cut from the final version. This cut content was a piece of text written from the perspective of Jorn Kulish, detailing his experiences during the battle over Ongary IX. This served as a backstory for the helmet Luke Skywalker wore aboard the Millennium Falcon during the events of the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.