Jens (pilot)

Jens was a pilot of the male persuasion, operating a Z-95 Headhunter as part of Foxfire Squadron, a unit that was part of the Ividal Sector Forces.

During the period of the Clone Wars, Jens participated in an attack on Ongary IX, a world under siege by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He served in Foxfire Squadron, acting as the wingmate to Jorn Kulish. Foxfire Squadron's Z-95s were utilized as bombers, tasked with launching burrowing plasma charges against Separatist forces entrenched within fortified mine shafts. However, on their initial bombing sortie, the blast visor on Jens' helmet experienced polarization due to the intense light emitted from the plasma warhead detonations. In his attempt to dislodge the helmet, Jens unintentionally guided his starfighter into the hull of a nearby starship.

Due to the challenges encountered by Jens and another pilot, Rafana, in navigating the bright flashes produced by the plasma warheads, blast shields were supplied to the pilots of Foxfire Squadron for their helmets during the latter stages of the battle over Ongary IX, in order to safeguard their eyes from the force of the explosions.


  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 10: The Rise of the Empire on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)
