By't Distombe

By't Distombe was a Twi'lek podracer of male gender. He was a competitor in prestigious podracing events like the Phoebos Memorial Run and the Vinta Harvest Classic. During the Vinta Harvest Classic's Fifth Elimination Finals, Sebulba hurled a bottle of Vinta Harvest Ale which hit By't in the head. This caused the Twi'lek to crash into a methane pool because he lost control. The collision with a gas pillar resulted in the explosion of his cockpit.


During 32 BBY, By't Distombe took part in both the Phoebos Memorial Run and the Vinta Harvest Classic on the planet Malastare; these were major podracing events. These races featured competitors such as the Dug Sebulba. In the fifth race's final round, Distombe, who was in the lead, opted to take a shortcut across a gas crater. Sebulba overtook him and then unexpectedly struck him in the head with a bottle, which was an act of cheating. This caused the Twi'lek to lose command of his podracer, leading to a catastrophic explosion shortly after.

