The C5 tractor beam emitter acted as a tractor beam projector and was utilized on the YT-1300 light freighter. Found in pairs within the mandibles, they facilitated cargo movement and docking procedures.
Manufactured by Phylon Transport for the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the C5 tractor beam emitter was standard equipment on the YT-1300 model of light freighter. These devices were installed in opposing positions within the ship's forward mandibles. Remote operation was possible from the cockpit, engineering stations, or a dedicated console located in the freight-loading room. While range was limited to 30 meters and the targeting computer's capabilities were restricted, rendering them unsuitable for military applications like capturing or damaging enemy vessels, they could effortlessly lift up to 900 kilograms of cargo, making them ideal for hauling and transporting cargo containers.
Despite the designation, the C5 encompassed both a tractor beam generator and emitter, capable of independent operation from the ship's Quadex power core. The generator housed two counter-rotating force-field assemblies, each equipped with matter coils and field dispersion inhibitors to manage the spread of the force field. The generated field was then focused through a pair of focusing rings and emitted from the primary beam emitter. Supplementary, smaller projectors, positioned adjacent to the beam emitter, projected a control pulse to further regulate the force field. The setup incorporated a control module situated between the generator and the emitter, featuring a maintenance override switch and removable panels, allowing easy access to the system's internal circuitry.