Cai was a female warrior who belonged to the Mistryl Shadow Guard.
As part of a six-member squad commanded by Manda D'ulin, she found herself in an Imperial ambush in 0 BBY, the Imperials were guarding the Hammertong project.
She piloted the heavy fighter Mirage, one of the team's pair of starships, alongside her astromech droid, who was called Deefour. She was the last member of the group to engage the Imperial security forces at the Hammertong facility. Following this, she escorted the Strike Cruiser to Tatooine, a ship that Shada D'ukal and Karoly D'ulin had commandeered.
While on Tatooine, Cai stayed with the starships while Shada and Karoly went into Mos Eisley in search of transport for the superlaser prototype that the cruiser had been transporting. Subsequently, she piloted the Mirage away from Tatooine alongside the freighter that they had obtained from Rebel Alliance operative Riij Winward. Winward, however, 'borrowed' Deefour to guarantee the Hammertong's technical data reached the Alliance.