Mirage, piloted by the Mistryl warrior Cai and the astromech droid D4, was one of the two starfighters that belonged to the Mistryl Shadow Guard squad, which was commanded by Manda D'ulin. The ship class of Mirage remains unidentified, but it was noticeably larger than the average fighter-class vessel. It possessed the ability to easily pass as a civilian transport. While operationally capable with just a pilot and astromech, it could house an additional two or three crew members or passengers, along with a selection of equipment that included various infiltration disguises, and even a vintage landspeeder. However, the cargo capacity on Mirage was somewhat restricted, which presented a challenge to the Mistryl in 0 BBY. At this time, they were attempting to move a module, a five-meter-long shaft with a three-meter diameter, from the Hammertong superlaser prototype off of Tatooine. Upon realizing they needed to charter a freighter, Shada D'ukal and Karoly D'ulin journeyed to Mos Eisley, disguised as the infamous Tonnika sisters.
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" suggests that a complete team of six Shadow Guard warriors traveled on just two fighter-sized ships, specifically Mirage and Skyclaw. Assuming Skyclaw was the same SoroSuub Preybird (a two-seater) that Shada later procured for Mazzic, then Mirage must have routinely transported four individuals, in addition to an astromech and a speeder. The story appears to assume that the ship could transport Shada and Karoly, as well as Cai and her astromech. The mention of "hatchway deflector shields" could indicate that the ship was accessed via full-height hatches instead of a typical opening cockpit canopy. However, this could also be a reference to the Strike Cruiser that the fighter was docked alongside at that time. Whether Mirage was equipped with its own navicomputer is also unclear. In Hammertong, Cai does not express any concern about initiating a jump to lightspeed without her astromech present, but it is possible she expected to receive navigational data from the transport she was escorting.