The ultimate iteration of a warship design from the Kumauri Empire was the Cal-class battleship.
These vessels measured 3,000 meters in length. While equipped with turbolasers for engagements between ships, their primary offensive capability resided in a massive mass-driver cannon situated on the hull's dorsal surface.
This weapon was intended for orbital bombardment, designed to bombard targets using captured asteroids or other space debris. To gather ammunition for this main weapon, Cal-class ships also incorporated six tractor beam emitters.
The Cal-class represented the culmination, and most dreaded form, of the Kumauri Battleship line, which originated circa 10,000 BBY with Vall Kumauri. This design saw widespread adoption by numerous fleets, including that of the Galactic Republic.
The introduction of planetary shields eventually neutralized the threat posed by this class. However, at least one Cal-class ship, the Cal Ambre, remained operational during the Galactic Civil War, having been repurposed as a high-end deep-space casino.
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